Looking for some Help

Looks like you're all set, if I ever take my +4 screen off I'll need to replace mine because it fell out and I had no idea what it was. Don't need it with the +4 though.

The F4+4 was an option for me too ... but was afraid I couldn't see over the F4 +4 ... I love looking over. But, want to have more height if I get caught in weather. I think the +2 would be perfect for me.
Yeah I don't think you could comfortably look over the +4 even if you had it set at the next to top notch on the adjuster. I don't mind looking through the shield as it's clarity is excellent but if want to look over I would go for the +2 like you said.
Finished Kind Of

Okay ... so it was kind of warm, overcast, and I was bored.

Decided to tackle installing the modded windshield adjuster. I gotta tell ya ... this is not for the faint of heart ... LOL ... I had to take the nose completely apart and the dash had to come out again ... not high on my to do list, but, it needed to get done.

In this pic, I can "see" the adjuster slide and shuttle. Had to take the dash out because it was bolted to the slider.

Dash 1.jpg

In this picture, the dash is moved out. this allowed me to push the top of the slide in toward where the dash was. That gave me enough room to slide the shuttle up and out of the track. The round hole with the notch is what was bolted to the dash.

Dash 2.jpg
Next I slid the modded slider in and started putting it all together. When I had it enough together to "test" without the shuttle slipping out, I did so, then got it to where I could put the shield back on.

In this picture, the shield is mounted and all the way down.

Windshield Down.jpg

In this photo, the windshield is at the top of the available adjustment and can't slide down.

Windshield Up.jpg

In this picture the windshield is back to the lowest adjustment locked point.

Windshield Down After.jpg

Okay ... I deserve a Scoobie Snack ... I'm thinking F4+2 ... vented ... Clear ... :D

I still need to mount the Dash piece with the grip and seat heat controls, but my knee was getting a tad sore, so, I surrendered for the day.

I am pleased to report, the mod I did works like a champ. Actually, I think I will mod the other shuttle in the same manner. Still have sheet metal and washers and screws Oh My! That will give me a spare (although, I can't imagine after the mod this being an issue again). One less thing on the to do list.

I almost forgot ... there where lots of people that helped me get to this point ... too many to mention ... Just know that I really appreciate all the pics, fixes, links etc.

It's the big reason I love this forum .... :D
Hey Allen, looks like the F11 on your Tacoma could use a touch up.:D

Gave up on F11 5 minutes after the first rain ... all the swirl marks came back and the water beading quit. Think when I get Jessica done, I will do ceramic to the tacoma.
Fuzz, you are one knowledgeable and energetic dude, congrats on all your fine mods. :clapping:

LOL ... not sure about the energetic part ... maybe tenacious and cheap would be more accurate. As for knowledgeable, if I can take something apart ... I can usually fix it and put it back together. Give me a basket case ... I'm lost ... :D.

I think most "back yard mechanics", and let's face it, that's what I am, are a little timid about tackling a somewhat difficult job, or, a tedious job like changing a Gold Wing air filter. This lack of confidence can be overcome in two ways. 1) Diving right in and getting it done, or even getting to a wall and asking for help and working through it. 2) Not wanting to spend the $$ a dealer will get.

I encourage more people to get a shop manual and tackle some of the less challenging jobs. The air cleaner for instance is time consuming, but, not all that difficult. It takes the dealers about 1.5-2 hours. Takes me 3.5-4.5 hours. When I did my first one, took 6 hours. Again, not difficult, I just went really slow so I didn't get ahead of myself, took pictures of how things came apart and was very gentle with the plastic. So, was 6 hours of my time worth $200 the dealer would have charged for labor. To me, yes. Plus, I get the satisfaction of knowing lots about my rides. When I'm out riding in the some of that places I ride (to quote Robin Williams in RV, "It's not the end of the earth, but, you can see it from here.") I rest a little easier because I have tools, and I know how things go back together. Granted, I don't carry parts, but if something breaks, I can get to it and try to jury rig it.

Jumping in on some of the easier jobs will build that confidence to tackle the more challenging. Of course ... If money is not an issue ... by all means ... support the economy and use the dealer.

Disclaimer: I rebuilt/repaired/operated nuclear reactors in the Navy for twenty years. Pretty sure the complexity of the Gold Wing or Harley are not gonna baffle me too much. But I still encourage anyone that can physically do their own maintenance, do it ... you'll save money and know it's done right.
There ain't no repair shops under the ice at the North Pole. If it breaks you fix it or you are doomed. The bottom isn't far but its awfully cold.
Fuzz, got that Show Chrome front fender extender, might not look as good as the one I removed, but gives better protection from the front tire slinging crud. Hmmm, nuclear reactors, Navy, impressive, underwater sailor perhaps?
Hmmm, nuclear reactors, Navy, impressive, underwater sailor perhaps?

Not a chance ... they did all the phycological test and classified me as A B Normal. Besides ... I like to sleep with the windows open ... LOL.

My career was on Nuclear Cruisers and one terrifying stint on the USS Enterprise. There was also a stint on a submarine repair tender ... where I did need to ride the sub after repairs to verify they were complete and correct. Didn't like that a bit.

Okay ... so yesterday was a long VA day, so today I'm taking things easy, giving my knee a rest. As such, I decided to mod the "spare" shuttle so I can have it for the future. As you can imagine, it's mostly hand riding with an electric grinder, so there are differences between the two. Nothing that is functional, just appearance. they operate the same.

Here's the "new" one:

2019-02-20 10.17.03.jpg

A close up:

2019-02-20 10.17.07.jpg

As stated, I do functional, not pretty, especially if it's buried like this part is.