Love Jugs Temp Comparison Test Report

Your temps are significantly higher than what mine were on a recent ride. I was pulling a loaded Aluma MCT with ambient temps in the mid 80's. My max temps running 75 mph on the freeway were 255 rear jug and 218 or so front. When I stopped for gas I killed it, left the fans running and quickly put the digital thermometer on them (within 20 seconds or so). Temps on the Georgia mountain roads were cooler. 234 max on the rear. I have free flow slip ons, k&n, XiED, and have lower wind deflectors. I took temps in the same location, just behind the plugs.
Your temps are significantly higher than what mine were on a recent ride. I was pulling a loaded Aluma MCT with ambient temps in the mid 80's. My max temps running 75 mph on the freeway were 255 rear jug and 218 or so front. When I stopped for gas I killed it, left the fans running and quickly put the digital thermometer on them (within 20 seconds or so). Temps on the Georgia mountain roads were cooler. 234 max on the rear. I have free flow slip ons, k&n, XiED, and have lower wind deflectors. I took temps in the same location, just behind the plugs.

Those are some nice temps, glad to hear everything is working well for you. :)

There are many variables in what temp readings will show.

The only purpose of my chart was to show the difference between no fans and using fans, and also the difference between the two different fans.

Here are a few of the variables.

Leaving the fans on or turning them off. I turned them off as soon as I stopped the bike.

Type of gun used.

Distance and angle of the gun from the heads.

Location on the heads, even 1/8" difference can result in as much as a 20* difference in the reading.

3 BIG variables will be if it is an air cooled only, a wethead, or an Oil-cooled engine.

I did find that if I turned the fans off as soon as I stopped the temps rose quickly. So I got to where I left the fans on when I stopped for gas. With the fans on and motor off, the temps decreased rather quickly. I also found that the location of the laser dot made a bit of difference. I tried to stay about 1 to 2 inches back from the plug.

Interesting how the MM cooled better at speed. Probably because of the higher rpm which more strongly forced air through the cooling fins at speed, less succeptable to riding air. And the CM did better in stop and go, probably because bigger fans and no riding air to disturb the air flow direction.

Nice work and appreciate you sharing results.
Poop happens Ya Kno

It's just me, but I always turn my fans off when getting gas. I'm scared that if some got spilled, the fans could blow it right onto the hot engine. :xszpv:

Makes sense to me I turn mine off also. ;)travel safely Fred
I did find that if I turned the fans off as soon as I stopped the temps rose quickly. So I got to where I left the fans on when I stopped for gas. With the fans on and motor off, the temps decreased rather quickly. I also found that the location of the laser dot made a bit of difference. I tried to stay about 1 to 2 inches back from the plug.

Interesting how the MM cooled better at speed. Probably because of the higher rpm which more strongly forced air through the cooling fins at speed, less succeptable to riding air. And the CM did better in stop and go, probably because bigger fans and no riding air to disturb the air flow direction.

Nice work and appreciate you sharing results.

Yes, the rest of the engine is hotter, so when the fans are turned off the heat starts to normalize thru out the entire engine.

I just went and measured the mark on where I measure the is 6mm, about 1/4", behind (toward the back of the bike) the actual edge of the spark plug.

Just those two difference probably make up the variance in temps.

Ordered the Might-Mite love Jugs


Excellent test report and on that note I ordered the Mighty-Mite Love Jugs from Randy today.

For me It was a hard decision for best mounting hardware, Vibration-Master or Frame Mounting kit. But after a lengthy conversation with Randy I decided on the Frame mount.

Thanks so much for helping me make my decision and your recommendation to Randy, you both have been very helpful.


Excellent test report and on that note I ordered the Might-Mite Love Jugs from Randy today.

For me It was a hard decision for best mounting hardware, Vibration-Master or Frame Mounting kit. But after a lengthy conversation with Randy I decided on the Frame mount.

Thanks so much for helping me make my decision and your recommendation to Randy, you both have been very helpful.


I agree, great report. And you made a great choice with the frame mount, you will love it! My horn used to shake like a leaf in a hurricane, now it and my Cool Masters are steady as a rock! Randy was right on!

At first I thought there was no way it would fit on my 14, but taking it slow and working it in place a little at a time, wasn't that bad at all! Hardest part was getting the clamps started with my big old stiff hands.
I ordered a set of coolmaster's yesterday with the Frame mounting, can't wait to install. Kevin's report plus sending a few messages back and forth with Kevin made me order them.
Ok while at Ohio Bike week a buddy and me got a deal on love jugs since we each had them installed,he got the smaller set on his 09 and i had the cool masters installed on my 17.Now maybe I was under the wrong impression but I thought with the installation of the cool masters that would help keep the EIMTS from coming on so much.Well coming home today it was 78 degrees and after a blast of about 10 miles down I70 at 70 mph I pulled off the exit and pulled up to the light within 20 seconds the EIMTS kicked in,is this normal or am I expecting to much.
Ok while at Ohio Bike week a buddy and me got a deal on love jugs since we each had them installed,he got the smaller set on his 09 and i had the cool masters installed on my 17.Now maybe I was under the wrong impression but I thought with the installation of the cool masters that would help keep the EIMTS from coming on so much.Well coming home today it was 78 degrees and after a blast of about 10 miles down I70 at 70 mph I pulled off the exit and pulled up to the light within 20 seconds the EIMTS kicked in,is this normal or am I expecting to much.

Testing data shows that two areas that generate the most heat is when running 70+ and at a stop and idle situation and you have that combination in rapid succession. Even with the fans, you will have times where the EIMTS kicks in if you go from prolonged 70+ to a dead stop and idle as the heat will climb quickly in that situation.
I sent Love Jugs an email concerning the EITMS kicking on,i received a message on my phone from Steve from Love Jugs,his explanation makes sense now .Harley has the EITMS hooked up to the ambient air temp and if the air temp gets over 81 the rear cly will kick out.He said to disable it and not to worry the engine will not over heat.You cant beat customer service like that.
Just to chime in, I also am impressed with my performance with my LG's. I haven't conducted any engine temperatures but do find that it greatly improves the stability of my oil pressure when cruising. The pressure still drops to almost zero when idling at a light but just a small quick crack of the throttle will show the oil pressure meter to move up enough to let me know the pump is working as it should. For my 08 Ultra C.

I have found the sweet spot for me is running 55-60 mph at 2800-3000 rpm's keeps the oil pressure at close to the 32 psi range. (I don't enjoy the interstate and speeds of 70 mph plus. I am more into traveling the back curvy roads here in the plateau of TN.) To each his own, I say. But just my "plug" for the Love-Jugs.
After sending Love jugs a email about the EITMS they called my home and left a message explaining how it works.Well before I could call back I started having some issues with the fans slowing down and at times coming to a stop.So I called Love Jugs and explained the issue,Dave said it sounded like a power supply issue,but if I needed anything to call him asap and he would have parts or fans over nighted to me.

Well today I got the trike back from the dealer and pulled the right side cover and inspected the connections.When they installed the accesssories plug they didnt get it lined up correctly and it pushed one of the pins back so it was not getting a good connection.Simple fix and now they work great,hats off to Love Jugs for great customer service.
They stay on whenever the the bike is in the on position if plugged into the accessory outlet under the seat. They also have a manual on-off switch on the fans to turn them off any time you want.

Some info for the 2015 Freewheeler owners: If your 8 pin adapter plug for the Mighty-Mites is wired with the red hot wire just below the black ground your fans will run with ignition off. ie full time hot wired and switch off at the fan switch.

You can simply move the red wire up next to the black wire; which will now plug into the purple/blue wire of your 8 pin accessory plug under your left side cover and be switched on and off with the ignition switch. The red/blue is full time Hot and the purple/blue is switched on your 8 pin Accessory plug; Hope this helps!


That's as simple as I can explain it and the Harley tech switched it for free in about 1 min.??
The same here Jack when the motor is running so are the Mighty Mite fans love them. All last season for us Engine Temps never over 245 Degrees. Over four thousand miles and the oil is still somewhat clean not black like before, when the motor was running way hotter than it should. Merry Christmas :christmas-tree:Fred/Jeanne