Maggie Valley 2019???

Getting old


I've used up a bunch of it, but I think I still have some warranty left. :clapping::clapping::clapping::)
Christmas comes late this year

All I want for Christmas is my two fro . . . er . . . All I want for Christmas is a new left KNEE! Santa left a note that he arranged it but I'd have to be patient (no pun) and not show up at the OR until Dec. 27th!

I will be home either Sat. or Sun. barring any unforeseen circumstances. Then it's 2 wks of home care followed by 4 to 6 wks of PT. 2 months till I get back to the gym! It can't be all that hard! I mean they're going to have me up and "walking" the afternoon of the operation. It has to be all downhill from there, right? OK, there will be some pain and frustration but it's nothing like 2 months of being bed ridden and non-weight bearing and then doing the whole let's walk routine.

Fear not though, as many of you have heard in the past, the watch word will continue to be: "I'm getting better everyday!" Believe it because it will be true.

Those of you who are having a White Christmas, I hope it's not too white. Those of you who are suffering with weather cold enough to freeze your butt off, hang on to your butt with both hands until it warms up. We will enjoy the day in the low 70's whether we need it or not.

Connie, Kelly and I wish you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. :Excited::bells::christmas-tree::stockings::santa-stuck:
Ed, you are still in our prayers. Hopefully the recovery from your knee replacement is easier than everything else you have been through. I am sure it will. You have the right attitude!

You, Connie and Kelly have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :stockings::christmas-tree::bells: & a :newyearcork:
Good golly Ed, I face the same thing, just putting it off. Blessings and good recovery to you sir, and a Merry Christmas to you and family. Oh, 70 degrees, you must live in Florida too....
Good golly Ed, I face the same thing, just putting it off. Blessings and good recovery to you sir, and a Merry Christmas to you and family. Oh, 70 degrees, you must live in Florida too....

Thank you Bill. You called it, we're all the way out on the panhandle.

If you send me your email address I'll share some info about the knee replacement experience.

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a good Christmas Ed, as you know, Jo Ann has had both her knees replaced. PT is a bitch but no problems now so keep the faith and keep us posted, should be easier than what you've been through already, Cheers my friend.

UPDATE: 01/01/2020

At Ed's Request, I am posting an update from a text message on his progress:

Hi David, please resume posting my status to the forum.

Homecare started yesterday. I had a nurse visit but no PT. I should see both tomorrow. Pain is well controlled & the nausea is is subsiding.

My spirits are good and they are going to stay that way.

Thanks for sharing with us, Ed.

We know that you will advance your complete and successful recovery with all the determination and drive that you have.
Thanks for sharing Dave!

Ed, I am sure you will get through this too with your tenacity!

Get well my friend!
1st post op visit to

This will be short and sweet. My staples all removed, weight bearing increased to "as tolerated," I've been given a clean bill of health & released to outpatient PT. Even my blood pressure is down below pre-op levels - which was good by any standard. ����

That all works for me.

Ride if you can, otherwise have a wonderful weekend whatever you do!