Micro-Start anti-gravity pack blew up


Gold Member
Gold Member
Jun 30, 2013
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I'm wondering if anybody's had problem with their Micro-Start battery boxes blowing up/catching fire. I purchased 2 of the Micro-Start XP-10 systems. One in Sturgis about 4 years ago at the J&P store. Worked great so I picked up another X-10 system a couple years ago. Earlier this year was in my pickup under my seat. I heard something making a hissing sound. Well, living in rattle snake territory I pulled over to see if I had an ankle biter in my truck. To my surprise it was my Micro-Starter swelled to about twice it's normal size. I had busted the plastic case and getting bigger with gas inside the covering over the batteries. Before I could be it out the truck the gasses started escaping. Bout the time I tossed it off the road into the bar ditch it caught fire.

Now this weekend was cleaning out my truck and picking up the case for my newer Micro-Start I noticed the plastic case had developed a 1/4" to 1/2" gap around the edges. Same thing was happening to it that happened to the first one. Gas was building up in the casing material surrounding the battery, developing gas and separating the case. I put it in one of those containers we put dirty, oily shop towels in and closed the lid. it had a very strong acid smell.

Has anybody experienced any like problems with their Micro-start battery??

You should make a report to the US Product Safety Commission. They may want to look at the two units you have. Sure sounds like a safety issue to me.
I had one 2 years ago do the same thing. The company replaced it after I sent it in.
Thanks for posting. I don't need this. I never heard the stories. I guess I'll be chucking mine out.
Sounds like they're defective. That's scary to have that under the seat and then it starts a fire.

Read the reviews: https://www.consumerreports.org/products/jump-starter/antigravity-batteries-xp-10-374611/overview/

For more info just Google: antigravity battery swelling or start here: https://www.google.com/search?q=ant...rdAhVORqwKHZC3ARQQ1QIIlgEoBA&biw=1280&bih=646

Thanks for this webb site,(I gotta admit that I had no idea, what the heck a Anti battery even was :blush:.....

Talked to the people that make (import?) the Micro-Start and they basically said "sucks to be you". Wow, great customer service.

She ask a bunch of dumb questions like often did I charge it. I told her right there on the packaging it says last up to 3-4 months. She said well, you need to charge it more even though it says that. Then she ask if I over charged it ? WHAT....told her I charged it until the lights quit flashing. Dumb question after another. I finally told her thanks for the great service and dangerous product and hung up.

As far as sending them back I could send the one that's just now starting swelling but the one that caught fire and blew up is in the water filled bar ditch at the ranch between 2 or 3 water moccaisns. No thank you !!!

Talked to the people that make (import?) the Micro-Start and they basically said "sucks to be you". Wow, great customer service.

She ask a bunch of dumb questions like often did I charge it. I told her right there on the packaging it says last up to 3-4 months. She said well, you need to charge it more even though it says that. Then she ask if I over charged it ? WHAT....told her I charged it until the lights quit flashing. Dumb question after another. I finally told her thanks for the great service and dangerous product and hung up.

As far as sending them back I could send the one that's just now starting swelling but the one that caught fire and blew up is in the water filled bar ditch at the ranch between 2 or 3 water moccaisns. No thank you !!!


Was her name Debbie........Sounds just like the Woman i talked with at Harley HQ about my oil migrating problem....There trained to be condescending, Dumb is a natural bonus for them keeping the job..:mad:
Thanks for posting. I don't need this. I never heard the stories. I guess I'll be chucking mine out.

I would too, it doesn't sound like a product I'd want in my vehicle or my garage. May I guess where the product is made? China? Anyone who has one may want to think about tossing it, save your vehicle and your house.
Anti gravity

I've had one for a couple of years that I keep in the Trike trunk and never had an issue. Works great. Last month I had a dead battery on my truck and had to wait for a jump, so I just bought another one for the truck
So a couple months ago, I found my Anti-Gravity with the casing partially apart. I assumed I smacked it somewhere and just cracked it. Pushed the halves back together and used some heavy packing tape to hold it together. Needed to use it to jump the lawn tractor today to take care of the back 40 (feet. Only 1/3 acre) and found it pulled apart again. Still worked. Charging right now at end of extension cord away from house. Sent email to them. Don't really expect any satisfactory answer. But I will give them the one chance. Will be looking probably for another brand to replace it.
A few years ago we got a Whistler "Jump and Go" at Bikes Blues and Bar-B-Que after our battery went dead on a trip back from Minnesota. Had never seen a battery jump pack until then. Ended up getting 2 of them, and later on a smaller motorcycle specific one called a "Safe Start". I got a lot of use out of the one I kept in my car jumping parents at the school I worked at when they drained their batteries waiting in line to pick up their kids with the radio or lights on.

A few weeks ago one of the Jump and Go's swelled up and forced apart the case, and I noticed the other one was a bit bulged up. I called Whistler, and they are replacing them. They sent me 2 bags to put the battery packs in, a bucket to put the bags in, a bag of vermiculite to put in the bucket around the batteries in the bags and a UPS return label. They are replacing them with a newer version - the old ones were Lithium-Ion batteries, the new ones are Lithium-Polymer. Don't know the difference, but apparently the difference in chemistry and the circuitry makes them more reliable and safer.
Well, I'll give Anti Gravity this, they did respond fast. Here is their reply: "There a one-year warranty coverage period. If you have the receipt and wish to file a claim, please let me know and I will send you instructions for filing a claim.I can't recommend continued usage once the device begins to expand because this means that the battery cells have been damaged. Once this is evident, there is a chance that further damage of the cells can lead to a hazardous situation."Not even a clue where receipt is. So time to look at other brands for a replacement.
Well, I'll give Anti Gravity this, they did respond fast. Here is their reply: "There a one-year warranty coverage period. If you have the receipt and wish to file a claim, please let me know and I will send you instructions for filing a claim.I can't recommend continued usage once the device begins to expand because this means that the battery cells have been damaged. Once this is evident, there is a chance that further damage of the cells can lead to a hazardous situation."Not even a clue where receipt is. So time to look at other brands for a replacement.

The lady didn't even go that far with me. When I told her I'd bought them at J&P store in Sturgis a couple years ago she said basically "sucks to be you". I'm going to check into what Ozarkryder said about the old ones were Lithium-Ion batteries, the new ones are Lithium-Polymer. That's a new one to me. To see those yellow and green flames and smell that acidic smell before it popped was enough for me to NOT get another Micro-Start with the old platform.

I did like having the Micro-Start system and used it numerous times. Would like to replace it with another system.

Little quiz here:Would anybody like to guess what kind of batteries these body cameras used ??

The NYPD has suspended the use of a certain kind of body camera “effective immediately” after one of them exploded..

A police officer was wearing a Vievu model LE-5 body-worn camera on a “midnight tour” on Saturday night when he noticed that it was smoking and took it off, the NYPD said.
