My Baby Girl Cheyenne

Doug, so sorry to read about your beloved family member. You are in company that completely understands the emotions of losing a beloved pet. My condolences for the loss of a loyal and loved friend.
Doug, so sorry to read about your beloved family member. You are in company that completely understands the emotions of losing a beloved pet. My condolences for the loss of a loyal and loved friend.

Thanks Terry. It tore my heart out to let her go even though I knew it was the best thing for her. She and I were one. Wherever I was she was... She even knew where my aches and pains were and would sit and lick right over the spot to do her part in healing me. I definitely will miss her and her loving, loyal companionship even while knowing she is at ease now.
Sorry for your family loss. There is just something about a pet loss that only owners are aware of . The poem says it all đź“ž
Condolences on your loss. I can only imagine what your going through. I have an 11 year old one eyed Yorkie and dread the day he leaves me. When he lost his eye I went into shock, literally. I feel your pain and will say a prayer for you and yours.
Thanks Frank and Fuzzy for your thoughts and prayers. It is hard not having her around but consoling knowing she is in a better place, at peace and not suffering.
It is always hard to lose a family member Doug! My deepest sorrow for you and your family.

My wife and I lost our beloved 13-year-old a couple of years ago and I still miss her many many times.
Our babies are playing and running with no pain, enjoying each on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge! Bandit my first baby was waiting on Miles, so they will all be happy!