My Daughter Danielle

Seems the DR forgot about her stents. They redid something today, now they are doing an ultra sound. They said it may be a new mass or she is pregnant? Not very likely, so we wait. The better news is they gave her her 3 units of blood and an iron infusion, she ate today for the first time in 3 days. Thank u all for the prayers again.:clapping:
Waiting tonight for results of an ultrasound

The Dr asked her if she is pregnant WHAT?

They think there might be still 1 more mass

Hope not that would mean someone maybe did not read the pet scans right and this thing has metastasized I sure hope they are ALL wrong
Sure Enuff, All the prayers worked Thanks y'all

I just talked to The Redhead ( my wife Denise)

They will be home today

She has to take a few weeks off from radiation and chemo

Have new stents put in

Get her strength back

Shave her chine chin chin ( from the steroids she has some facial hair)

Again thank You All:clapping:
Danielle has been home from the hospital for 2 weeks now

She will start chemo again soon

The Good news is the pelvic area did NOT light up any more in the cat scan last week

There is 1 spot in a lymph node in her chest and 1 dime size spot on jer liver

We are very hope ful

Thank y'all for your support and prayers ;)
Thanks to ALL

This week she meets with a pain Dr

Something about a Morphine pump

I hope this works, I cant stand to see her in so much pain:mad:
Daniells Dr is contacting the drug co to see if they will sponsor her for the infusion drug they have for other cancers. This has not been used for cervical cancer yet, so he is hopeful plus it is a very expensive but very good treatment. If not it will be back to chemo and radiation again. Last pet scan showed no activity in the pelvis but new hot spots in the chest and liver.

Thank you all for the prayers, I know it is working.;)