My first PGR mission

I went on my first mission today.I was really nervous that I would embarrass the group or myself,but it went really well.The family appreciated us being there.It seemed I was doing so little for one that did so much.RIDE SAFE
Thank you for doing that, Lucky! I know it meant a lot to the family and was also a blessing for you.
Thank you for doing this. I've done about 40 missions so far. Some are harder than others. We've made some great friends through the PGR. The younger vets are the hardest. Last Tuesday was a 26 year old Marine. Even though it was natural causes it was still so hard.
We've also gotten involved with the State Vets Home. We took some of the wheel chair vets to a lake for fishing. Last week we took a group from the home to a Diamondbacks baseball game.
After the fishing outing we took all the fishing gear from the Vets home and greased and oiled 18 rods and reels and put all new line and terminal tackle and put together a tackle box for them. My neighbor came by as I was working on them and said this was a nice thing I was doing. I told him it was kind of selfish as I get more out of it then I give. :)
We, in the B.P.O.E (Elks) do a lot of things for the Vets. Bingo, trips, cookouts and visits. It is great to go and help with the people who made this country free for all of us.
That is a great thing to do to honor our Vets.
Thank you for being there for them.


From NH
If I should wind up keeping my Trike, once I'm retired next year I plan to attend as many PGR missions as I can in the VA area.
Lucky, I am the Mentor that you talked to at the PGR mission. Welcome my friend and you did great.
Welcome to the PGR. One mission will definately change you. It becomes an honor and priviledge to participate in these missions.
A friend of mine got me involved about 4 years ago. I have done many missions since then, of all sorts, Welcome Home, Funerals, Honor flights, and deployments. I still consider it an honor to just be there. I'll continue doing them as long as I can.
This is a REALLY GREAT Thread.....THANKS Lucky and to Everyone else that participates in this.....ThumbUp :10:
Attended a great PGR mission today.No KIA we did not bury anyone just honored the one that have and are serving.We were invited to CHIPLEY/PINE MOUNTAIN,GA.To participate in their veterans day celebration.What a good time in a small town.I would like to say my thanks here to all that are and have served.
Thank you, Lucky, for participating in the program. You, and all the PGR members, perform a wonderful service. ThumbUp
My first PGR mission was for a good friend of mine, a guy from my military unit. He was just out riding his bike, as bicycle, and dropped over dead from a heart attack. I didn't even know he had died until I got the notice for the PGR mission.
Thank you for joining the PGR. If you visit the national website and read the comments from families who have experienced any measure of comfort from our solemn and respectful participation in their time of grief and it will warm your heart. I am proud to stand along with these men and women.
I rode about 35 missions about 12 or 13 years back. I became injured and could no longer ride per my Orthopedic surgeon doctor orders for about 10 years and eventually sold my 2 wheeler bike, let my endorsement slip but now I'm getting back up on a three wheeler now. Just bought my new 2021 GW Tour from Randy at Cut-n-Shoot Customs and awaiting a CSC Trike kit to put it on the road. I'm 70 yo and a Purple Heart Combat Veteran and wish to plug back in. I so enjoyed serving my brothers again by riding for their families. It is such an honor for me to do so.

Contacted the PGR local group on their FB page and apparently got ahold of someone who doesn't even know where SE Texas is on a map and to make things simpler I just told him/her to just forget it and I'd just start showing up for rides when they get posted or I can make contact again with someone a little bit more knowledgeable about where SE Texas is. Didn't want to keep confusing the poor confused soul I made contact with.

PGR Logo.jpg TexasPGR.jpg
Welcome Back Brother...........

But I am having a little difficulty logging onto the PGR merchandise site as my old login info is no longer any good for some reason. My membership number 746** which is a low number these days but that isn't helping me. I left a message with PGR Texas web site and with PGR Southeast Texas Bob Shafer via in an email seeking help resolving the issue so we'll see how that works out. I was going to get the stretch banner that attaches to the windshield denoting that I'm a PGR rider and an arm band if they still have them available.
But I am having a little difficulty logging onto the PGR merchandise site as my old login info is no longer any good for some reason. My membership number 746** which is a low number these days but that isn't helping me. I left a message with PGR Texas web site and with PGR Southeast Texas Bob Shafer via in an email seeking help resolving the issue so we'll see how that works out. I was going to get the stretch banner that attaches to the windshield denoting that I'm a PGR rider and an arm band if they still have them available.

Just as a follow up the contacted person was of absolutely of no help at all, darn near useless. Only cared about making excuses and covering their own arse with excuses for not even trying to help out. Not surprised but I'm hoping he is not typical of the others there. So be it, just told that person that I'd just move on and to forget that I even was a bother to him. Reminded me of a government bureaucrat.
Just as a follow up the contacted person was of absolutely of no help at all, darn near useless. Only cared about making excuses and covering their own arse with excuses for not even trying to help out. Not surprised but I'm hoping he is not typical of the others there. So be it, just told that person that I'd just move on and to forget that I even was a bother to him. Reminded me of a government bureaucrat.

PGR rider here for over 10 years from Utah. Although I did not serve I have a lot of respect for those who did. As far as the store is concerned they have changed their program and the store credentials did not transfer. You need separate credentials to get in. Just go to the store portal and create a new identity and you should be able to get in. The store does still sell arm bands and windshield banners. Thanks for your service and your continued desire to serve.