My heart hurts

Motorcycle Mike

800+ Posts
Saturday morning I found my younger brother passed away on his couch.

He was just 62. 7 years younger than I.

He used to pester me to death when he was a little guy. "What are you doing? why? whats that do? how?"

I taught him how to ride and play guitar. He followed me into racing and when I got out of the Army we formed a rock band.

I never realized what a huge part of my life he was. I miss him terribly already.

God bless you little brother.
Saturday morning I found my younger brother passed away on his couch.

He was just 62. 7 years younger than I.

He used to pester me to death when he was a little guy. "What are you doing? why? whats that do? how?"

I taught him how to ride and play guitar. He followed me into racing and when I got out of the Army we formed a rock band.

I never realized what a huge part of my life he was. I miss him terribly already.

God bless you little brother.

:pray:….. Condolences…

Sorry to hear of your younger brother's passing.

Pain will be there off and on, but your good memories will be there forever.

God bless him and his family and friends!
Saturday morning I found my younger brother passed away on his couch.He was just 62. 7 years younger than I.He used to pester me to death when he was a little guy. "What are you doing? why? whats that do? how?"I taught him how to ride and play guitar. He followed me into racing and when I got out of the Army we formed a rock band.

I never realized what a huge part of my life he was. I miss him terribly already.

God bless you little brother.

Been there, done that... TWICE...

So sorry for your loss...
Mike, Sorry about the Loss of your Brother........Prayers will be sent..........
So sorry to hear this Mike. Prayers lifted for the family's comfort and strength...
Our condolences on the loss of your brother Mike, prayers for you and the family :pray: