Navy video series

Hmmm, RTC Great Lakes, I do recall my experience at RTC San Diego, Beginning OCT 1951, yes, I'm an old destroyer sailor. Video brings back memories.
When i got on the bus [Army 65] There was this DI From the other United States standing next to a cardboard box and screaming, All you New Yorka's put all your switchblades and guns in the cardboard box before you'all get on the bus...

And i'm willing to bet that they really believed that everyone was carrying , Being that they came from the other United States and all.....:laugh:....And As us draftees came from NY those Corncobs DI's could never understand NY Sarcasm or why when they said jump we would ask why...:Shrug:......:laugh:

We knew just how far we could push their buttons...I mean what were they gonna do, Fire us....Send us to Nam...:Shrug:...

I'm betting the new volunteer military is better organize .....
Navy boot camp in San Diego, 1967. I considered the whole experience a crock of nonsense the purpose of which was to get your uniforms, teach the rudiments of Navy decorum, and some elements of (shipboard) life. Made it through the aircrew training schools (two additional that I volunteered for beyond the original plan), I got to my squadron where the real work was being performed and which I took seriously. Given the chance, I would do it all again plus take advantage of the opportunities the Navy offered, of which I admit I was too damn stupid at the time to take advantage.