New Guy

So how is everyone? We are having a little spurt of warmer weather lately so I took the trike out for another test ride today. I put steering damper from a VW bug on it because it had a slight wobble at low speed, nothing terrible. The steering damper fixed the problem, I can go down the road and take my hands off the bars and it tracks straight, no wobbles or wheel flop. I had an old windshield laying around so I put that on too. Does anyone know how to get scratches out of plexiglass? It also needs a blue seat cover for the drivers seat. Lisa hasn't gone for a ride yet but she is ready to go, if the weather stays warm we may get in a short ride soon.ThumbUpIM000914.JPG
We have a nice sunny day today, 62 degrees, so we took the trike on a shopping trip to K Mart. It's the first ride for Lisa on this trike and she liked it a lot. A guy came up to us and asked if he could take our picture and I said sure. He said he had MS and sounded like he was kind of interested in getting a trike. Maybe he will get one. There is still work to be done but everything is safe and legal at this point. I'm going to mount a spare tire in case of a flat plus a trunk for carrying things.ThumbUp
Really nice trike and especially the mount for the chair.
Thanks. The trike is an economy build, I didn't have a ton of money to spend on it. It's ugly right now, I didn't have time to do any shiny paint and chrome (although I did buy a chrome air cleaner for it) but it's mechanically sound, stable and comfortable, goes down the road really good, steers great and of course it has good old dependable VW power. It's good to be out doing some riding again.ThumbUp
IM000931.JPGIM000934.JPGHey. I added some things to the trike. I found an old, vintage Vetter trunk and added a camera to the back. With the tall seats I could not see what was directly behind (which I didn't like) so I ordered this unit from Wal Mart and it works great. I still need to wire the lights on the trunk, in my opinion you can never have enough lights so people can see you. I also put air shocks on the back which really smoothed out the ride. Now if we could just get some warm, dry weather.ThumbUp