New here...not a triker...yet

I've had a sudden obsession with trikes, and looking more for my wife. We both bike, and I dont personally see myself ever straying from that path too far, but I see lots of advantages to trikes. My wife is short, with even shorter legs, and sometimes struggles with her 883 Hugger. It's tough to build confidence as a rider in her shoes. We're just peeking at trikes, seeing if it might be an option for her. Thanks all!
Welcome to TrikeTalk!
I'm just 5' tall and kinda petite. I know your wife's struggle all too well. I rode for close to 20 years on two, and finally triked my 2000 Fat Boy in '06. Best decision I ever made! I always loved riding and was a good rider, but parking lots and uneven roads at stoplights were a nightmare. No more worries with the trike, and I'm still loving riding just as much!
I've had a sudden obsession with trikes, and looking more for my wife. We both bike, and I dont personally see myself ever straying from that path too far, but I see lots of advantages to trikes. My wife is short, with even shorter legs, and sometimes struggles with her 883 Hugger. It's tough to build confidence as a rider in her shoes. We're just peeking at trikes, seeing if it might be an option for her. Thanks all!

welcome aboard.
Danburnsart,Welcome to the best trike forum on the internet, pull up a stool and get comfortable. I think you will find lots of nice folks willing to answer most any questions you may have. I rode two wheels for 50 yrs, this is my second trike and I love riding now , if not more, then I ever have. Much more relaxed and its the new trend in bikes.
As another short person, I had a hard time on 2 wheels. I rode them, but always had to be aware of where I was putting my feet. Just a tiny dip at a stop sign and good bye bike!
Getting rid of that worry alone make a wife very happy and you know how that saying goes!
Welcome, I have a buddy that rides with me and he is short and fluffy as he calls it... He went to a trike and has never looked back he says he should have done it 20 years ago.....
My wife went from a Bike to trike because she lost confindence after a lay down (5 mph on grass no big deal), each time I would get her back on the bike it was tears and frustration, sold her bike got the stallion best move ever, she now rides way more than I do. She uses it as her daily get to work get around car. She would never go back to a bike, or a manual transimission trike.

After 2 or 3 years I also when to a trike not because I needed to, but becuase I was ready for something different. I greatly enjoy my trike.

I am waiting on Honda to come out with an automatic Wing, then I will upgrade again.
Hello Danburnsart, welcome to the Forum. I think you have come to the right place for the kind of advice that you are seeking. As far as triking is concerned, you cannot drop a Trike. Enjoy the Forum and the new Trike :)