New Member, SevereWeather

Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
San Antonio
Greetings All, My name is Carl Batts from San Antonio, TX. I currently ride a 2008 Goldwing (Darkside), that I'm having converted to a trike due to some physical issues that make two wheels more difficult. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of great information.

I sometimes go by SevereWeather, since I'm a former Air Force weather guy. Chased a few storms in my life, now I'm usually trying to outrun them.
Carl, welcome aboard. Post a picture when your trike is ready to ride. Thanks for your service.
Welcome to Trike Talk Carl! My Father-in-law was an Air Force meteorologist in his day.
Welcome to the forum from Western Pennsylvania stop by often and check in with us. My father-in-law was in that business back in the day 50's that is . Ride safe Fred
Welcome Carl. If you do not already have an installer check out the web site owner Randy at CUT N SHOOT just outside Houston. He will give you a fair price for a top of the line install.
Carl, Welcome to Trike Talk, a Covid-19 Free Forum.:wave4:

Are you really willing to give up the Dark Side ???

You could put truck tires on the back of the new trike.:cxtv:
Hi Carl! Welcome aboard...from Kerrville Texas!

We usually have an annual TrikeTalk meet-up here at Kerrville but it didn’t make this year due to the grody-mokus running around. Stay tuned.... when we do get it together it will likely be billed as KERRVILLE 2021.

In the meantime give a shout out here on TrikeTalk if you would like to meet some of us for an impromptu ride in the area.
:welcome: To the Trike Talk Family! FROM SOUTH
Angleton, TX

Howdy Carl
:wave4:Welcome to the group. Great to see another Texan in the group.