New TG Compensator design


Class Clown
Got word yesterday that my local long delaying HD dealer actually found something unexpected with an updated version for a fix. Was hearing a ticking sound that I thought was valves. On first hearing it, mechanic thought more serious. Turns out Compensator was going again. Usually lasts 25k. Only 15k on this one.
The reason for writing? I'm now told they are getting in Tues a new style Compensator. Something with ball bearings in it. Can't be worse. Probably what is in the '14's.
And covered by extended warranty, of course. TG is in for 65k.
I mention this so anybody getting one replaced doesn't get stuck with older, crappy style sitting on shelf at dealer.
Got word yesterday that my local long delaying HD dealer actually found something unexpected with an updated version for a fix. Was hearing a ticking sound that I thought was valves. On first hearing it, mechanic thought more serious. Turns out Compensator was going again. Usually lasts 25k. Only 15k on this one.
The reason for writing? I'm now told they are getting in Tues a new style Compensator. Something with ball bearings in it. Can't be worse. Probably what is in the '14's.
And covered by extended warranty, of course. TG is in for 65k.
I mention this so anybody getting one replaced doesn't get stuck with older, crappy style sitting on shelf at dealer.
well keep us to hear more on this..
what does one look like when its bad??
when does the ticking start to happen?
wonder if you are getting one of these.
This is the first time its been caught before getting really bad and noisy. Usually it gets to a point you think the engine is about to go from the sounds.
The jury is still out whether or not the new design will be the cure, I hope it is. Harley sure took long enough getting to this point.
I just had the compensator replaced at 30k,,,The new one my tech put in was supposedly the latest greatest thing..looked heavier duty and was configured different than the old one. Turns out it is the new heavy duty one that is supposed to end all problems. Did not have any bearings in it though. Replaced the starter too,,all under warranty. Well,, after 2500 miles...starting to do it again!...Taking it back into the shop tomorrow to get it looked at.
Got word yesterday that my local long delaying HD dealer actually found something unexpected with an updated version for a fix. Was hearing a ticking sound that I thought was valves. On first hearing it, mechanic thought more serious. Turns out Compensator was going again. Usually lasts 25k. Only 15k on this one.
The reason for writing? I'm now told they are getting in Tues a new style Compensator. Something with ball bearings in it. Can't be worse. Probably what is in the '14's.
And covered by extended warranty, of course. TG is in for 65k.
I mention this so anybody getting one replaced doesn't get stuck with older, crappy style sitting on shelf at dealer.

Its not ball bearings it has roller bearings. This thrust bearing ( See attached pic ) is the one design change as MSOKO3 pointed out that has a big question on how well it will survive in the dirty oil of the primary case
Its not ball bearings it has roller bearings. This thrust bearing ( See attached pic ) is the one design change as MSOKO3 pointed out that has a big question on how well it will survive in the dirty oil of the primary case

That is the one I have....Well...Mine went a whole 2500 miles!! Whoo Whoo!! First 1100 it worked perfect. Once again, sitting first in line to get on a ferry in Wa after answering questions from other riders about the TG, got the signal to start up and pull on...Bam!!! Did it right in front everyone that I had just got done bragging to about how great the TG is...embarrassed once again. I have another thread about this on here somewhere.
That is the one I have....Well...Mine went a whole 2500 miles!! Whoo Whoo!! First 1100 it worked perfect. Once again, sitting first in line to get on a ferry in Wa after answering questions from other riders about the TG, got the signal to start up and pull on...Bam!!! Did it right in front everyone that I had just got done bragging to about how great the TG is...embarrassed once again. I have another thread about this on here somewhere.

Trent do you have any pictures of this new compensator showing it broken?
I will see what I can do...May have to email them to you to post though...I have given up trying to post photos on here...
Now I'm starting to get scared about the new compensator. The old one was crap but never left me stranded. As far as being roller bearings...I'm just impressed HD service desk even knew there were some kind of differences with replacement one.
I just changed mine after 55k miles. I didn't know about the new design. My warrantly expired so I had to pay for it.;) Did the wrench work myself. The local dealer had no idea of a new design...."..

I got my TG back from the shop this afternoon and here is what was decided. Tech could not get the comp to bang at all, which is typical. Tried starting it around 30 times,,,hot and cold. Didn't wanna break into it till he could get it to make the bad sounds...
So he started looking around at other stuff, and here is what he found.
Right behind the air breather, up at the top and just below the gas tank, is the wire connections that go to the ACR...or.. Automatic Compression Release...valves on each cylinder. He noticed some blue fibers stuck in one of the connections, and when he pulled the fibers out, saw that the connection was not fully plugged in. He inspected the connection, cleaned it really well, sprayed some stuff in it, and plugged it back together.

When I got there, he showed me the fibers, which I knew immediately came from my soft scrub brush. Gotta keep that chrome clean and shiny ya know!.... is our theory...maybe. When riding from Vancouver to Seattle, I was in crazy rain for 2 hours, and if that connection was compromised, water could have easily got in there and messed up the function of the ACR, which in turn could affect the starting of the engine, causing the comp to make noise. It stayed dry for 900 miles before that, and the comp didn't make noise till after it got it is a very possible theory.
I just went for a short test ride, got gas,,then home,,and it started just fine with no comp noise. So...just gonna run it and see what happens,, It is still under warranty so if it goes out, so be it. I will update this if anything else happens.
Make a lot of sense especially if only one of the ACR was working instead of both. Good luck.