Newbie from Central Florida

Hi everyone, I just found this site from a link at the samba..I am an over 50 Grandma of 6.<br />
I did have a 1960 flathead custom harley that I bought as a basket case and spent 4 years putting together just to have to sell her. Now I am unwilling to wait any longer to get my knees in the wind again. I am building a 68 - 70 vw trike. It is all apart in the garage right now, but getting ready to start "building". I think I have most of the parts I'm going to need,LOL. Been collecting one at a time as funds allow.<br />
It goes to the welding shop this week or next to have the body modified and to have the new neck put on. <br />
Hoping to ride to trike week in June....
Welcome aboard VW ! glad you could join us. Hope you make a lot of friends and find help when you need it. Pretty good bunch of folks here and we have a lot of fun:D When you get a chance , post us some pics and let us check out that VW...
Welcome VW Triker, glad U came over and joined in on the forum. sounds like U have a couple of good projects going. Keep us informed and post some pictures.<br />
PS: watch out for that trikerjim guy he gets strange when he gets off his medication!!!!!!<br />
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Ride Safe and enjoy
Welcome VW triker! Interested in your project - we had a VW Trike Shop Runabout before we got the Goldwing Motor Trike. 1600 bored out to around 1800something, dual runners, automatic transmission from a Type 2, dual throat del'Orto carb, chrome, etching on the engine guard and front forks, etc. The wife (it was supposedly hers) had a foot accelerator put on it. The thing was a hot rod. When I figure out the way to post pics, I'll put some up in the garage.<br />
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One of the best things you can buy for any VW project is a book called "How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual Of Step By Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot." by John Muir. It will mostly be applied to the drivetrain on your trike, but it was invaluable to me when we had The Blue Trike. John Muir was an engineer-cum-hippie when he wrote the book in the '60s, and the writing is kind of that funky 60's style, great fun to read, and with amazing illustrations. Here is a link to it on Amazon for less than I paid for it in a bookstore in 1994.

You can even check out the table of contents and read and excerpt.<br />
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<a href="" target="_blank"> How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive 19 Ed: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot: John Muir,Tosh Gregg,Peter Aschwanden: Books</a>
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Howdy VW Triker. We like all kinds of trikes here. We`re a diverse bunch of folks from all over...even a few guys from across the pond. Post some pictures in your "Garage" when you get a chance and keep us up on whats going one with your project.
Welcome aboard VW Triker. Love to look at trike project pictures here so post a few in the garage and in your sig line and tell all of your VW trike buddies about us.
VW Triker, great to have ya as a member. I agree about the pictures. Sounds like a great project. Good luck with it and keep us all posted on your progress.


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