Newbie from PA

Mark, welcome to Trike Talk from West Virginia.:wave4:

Get those pix up and we can identify what you have.:cool:

Keep up the fight, I been doing it for 8 years too.
:welcome: To the Trike Talk Family! FROM SOUTH

Howdy Mark! :wave4:

Congrats on the TG! Get out and ride as much as you can. In my mind there isn't any better medicine! Ride safe and God Bless.:)

I used to live in East Texas, hence my name - Texyank. Sure miss the Republic of Texas!
Welcome to the forum from Western Pennsylvania that is a nice looking ride. I feel sure Lee Mann can help you is a wiz with these machine. We will keep you and yours in our prayers. :good: ride safe Fred
That's a great looking ride Mark, unique paint scheme also. I'm sure someone will be along to help with figuring out what manufacture it is.