NORTH East TT RALLY 2017 discussion

... It does help if we know what we are planning on having for attendees. As Doug also said the host motel is limited space. I am guessing we will fill it.
so far 12 trikes have showed interest. No one has put their name on the list. Please help us out.

List??? What list? I can't find no stinkin' official list nowhere. But we are very interested anyways.
Sorry guys, working on the list. Spiritdream said she would help me with that but PM me and let me know that you registered with the hotel and/or definitely going and are going the camping route. I'll make up a list from there until we can automate it on line.

The Hotel Vienna in Windham,NY is the hotel we will be at. The web address is

Thanks for your patience
What Biker bozo said...

OK, apparently the lack of the promised hurricane remnants is getting to me, but, am I missing a definite date somewhere?
Also, I thought I would save Yogisan the trouble and just requote him above.
Ok got viena hotel, now need dates then res to be made . 10-4 over and out.
I started another thread a while ago and had asked Randy to move it to the sticky threads at the top. The title is 2017 registration and second on the list now. if anyone knows how to move it and has permission, please by all means do so because I'm not sure how to do it or if I could.

The dates are Aug 24th through the 27th, 2017. If anyone wants to arrive earlier or even stay later into Labor Day weekend, let the hotel know.

In the meantime as long as I know you are booked or definitely plan on going, I'll keep a list going and post it if you PM me and let me know. MY direct e-mail is if that works better for you.
The "list"

Hi guys, sorry to be MIA - need to finish a couple of things, but I should have an automated registration form up in the next day or two.
How is it coming along Spiritdream . Any progress?
Sorry, been sick and haven't had a chance, but Doug has been hard at work so I'm just going to help him finish up a few of the "fine details" and it'll be posted.
OK, First off I want to thank Cheri for helping me get the registration page up and running which hopefully will be posted as a sticky soon. There is a link to a Goggle drive page where you can register and also view who else is coming. It is set up the same as the form and not as a table like before but it will work, just click on responses to see the complete list.

So for anyone who responded before that they were going, please go to the registration page and fill in the blanks even if you have registered at the hotel already. Remember there are only 30 rooms available at the host hotel and the hotel will hold all rooms for us until next July, after the rooms will be open for other people.

If we do sell out, it is important that we make arrangements with the host hotel to locate another hotel for the overflow, the sooner the better.

Thanks for your patience
I registered on the site but not motel

You can register on the site even if you did not register the motel. As Doug said. If you told us your coming in a previous post please go now to the one below this and fill it in. It will make it easier to tally it up. It is too hard for our committee. To go back to each individual post. I hope we Hear from some of the past and earlier attendees that were unable to make it the past few years.

We have a local rider who has a weekend column in a local paper and also publishes this site on line. Looks like he recently took a two day trip in the Catskills around where next years rally is being held. Wife and I were down that way just a few weeks ago.
I can't find

I can't see we're you can see who is attending. Can u?
Checked with hotel over the weekend and rooms are filling up...we have until June 30th to fill the hotel, after that the reservations are open to the general public.
Looks like this is what we have

Dead line has passed .. I guess we have 12 trikes and about 18 people.
Trike talk north east registration thread has the spread sheets for registration. Seems like there's too many threads on this :Shrug:

Ive been to Phoneshia many times. Nice town to visit and dine at the pizza shop.

I only found one sheet to register. And one sheet that showed attendance. I don't think the 2 are connected. I wish we could see who fills it out the motel registration that is the only true count. . You can attend and can stay at the motel and not sign in on this forum. .this may cause us a problem if we think we have 20 people and we have 40. We are trying to make this organised. Group rides, raffle ,trophies , group dinners, farewell breakfast. All need planning and accurate head count. Only a few weeks left. Can't wait to see y'all

We are not having shirts made for this rally. We are quite sketchy on the actual attended figures .. Let's try to bring a RED. Shirt for the group photo. I may bring a DRONE. To take the photo .. See you there. Count down 7 days and counting down
Sorry to say we will not be attending this event. Went on a 9,202 mile, 38 day, 25 state trip this summer, and I'm still recovering. Jeannette is also reluctant to travel on our trike, so that puts a damper on our joint travels. Thanks for all you have done to bring this event together.
We are not having shirts made for this rally. We are quite sketchy on the actual attended figures .. Let's try to bring a RED. Shirt for the group photo. I may bring a DRONE. To take the photo .. See you there. Count down 7 days and counting down

Get he shirts made after the event as you will have a head count and sizes. I'm sure no one will moan to pay shipping. :Shrug: