Opinions please

Hey gang,

Been doing some shopping lately,and have come across an issue that I thought might be easier to digest with input from "the panel"................

What type of helmet do you prefer to wear and why???

I am definitely "pro - helmet", but my rider/queen had never even been on a motorcycle prior to our trike purchase,so she is just curious as to the differences between the helmets and what kind she should get and which one will mess up her hair the least LOL:blush::p
First let me say congratulations on the trike and I hope your rider/queen loves it as much as I do. I rode 2 wheels with Steve just to humor him, but never really liked it; now he can't leave without me! As to helmets, I don't think there is such a thing that doesn't mess up the hair. That is the downside to riding. We ride a lot and I've used silk scarves, do-rags, anything that might help make the hair easier to fix after we get off, but found nothing I was satisfied with. Using a "hairflair" visor I got to get an idea, I got a regular ball cap and sewed a wig on it. Now, when I take the helmet off, I slip on my "wigcap" and feel fine with going into stores, restaurants or to friend's houses, etc. Maybe this will help her. Lots of women wear just the ball caps, but I am not comfortable with it. We like to wear helmets not only for the safety factor, but because we can talk to each other and we don't like wind noise. Good luck with the helmet.
my opinions about what type of helmet i wear and when i wear that particular type varies with a lot of factors. in the springtime(as it is now), i want as much coverage as i can get because of allergies.(full-face helmets don't let in as much air). when it gets hot, i wear a shorty helmet because of the heat.
i suppose the full-face helmets provide better protection in a minor crash. imho, no helmet is going to save you in a head-on at 70mph. but, i do know all nurses/emts are cautioned about removal of a full-face from a crash victim. this is because of possible neck/spinal cord injury.
as far as helmet-hair, all of them are going to mess up her hair. but, she will find that people will see her as a biker, not just as a person with uncombed hair. that will contribute to the COOL factor!
hope this helps-dave
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We like the 3/4 helmets. Less restrictive and confining. We have had full and were not happy with the visibility and comfort. Had half helmet but always felt like it was trying to rip you head off at the chin.
I never miss a chance to post when the thread is about helmets. I was involved in a slow speed rather minor crash wearing a 1/2 helmet.
Exactly opposite the left lower edge of that helmet, I sustained a fracture of the C-2 vertabrae and was milimeters away from paralysis or worse.

I earlier was in a similar wreck wearing a 3/4 helmet, and had no injury to my head or neck, even though I still have both hemets, and the damage to them is in the same spot.

I am convinced that the 1/2 hemet is no better than a good ball cap, and I get nervous everytime I see someone wearing one.

O.K. I'll get off the soapbox now............
We use the 3/4 helmet, I don't have much hair so that is not a issue with me :D Cathy uses one of the silk do rags and it helps her some, as others have stated the hair is most likely going to get messed up to some degree. but hair can be fixed better than other things that might happen with less helmets.. If there is a rally or anything going on near U I would go and let her try on several different types and brands to see what she likes.. We have the Arai and love them..
Good luck...
What ever you get don't buy them on line unless you are sure that the helmets you are interested in fit you properly. I would suggest shopping at a rally where there are many brands available to try on. Some helmet insides are oval shaped and some are more rounded. You don't want a helmet that starts to rub you in the middle of the forehead after an hour of riding. That can be very irritating and cause a lot of discomfort. The vendor you buy from should be able to fit you properly, you don't get that kind of service from the internet. After you get your helmets,then get a "Hair By Helmet" sticker for on your queen's helmet:D
wingking51 words written like a veteran. The fit is the whole ball of wax. Medium in one helmet is not medium in another.
AMEN to the try the fit before buying! In Bell, I wear a med, Scorpion EX2000, I take a large, & in HJC, it has to be Ex large. There are also helmets made just for women. Some have a cut out for the pony tail & of course the decorations are more "frilly". HD has a pretty good selection for the ladies, but their prices are a bit steap. They also have some with a chin cup for the ladies who cant stand the strap close to the throat. Two solutions to helmet hair: Pest cuts her's short so once the helmet is off she just runs her fingers through it & it's pretty much back where it belongs. OR go LONG & use lotsa scrunchies on the pony tail. There are leather sleeves you can get to help keep the pony tail straight too. The ball cap + wig is a good idea too. One of the guys I ride with has a visor with a wig in it to cover his bare spot, which is pretty much the whole top of his head. Also look for the required DOT rating + the SNELL rating -- and NO not all helmets have both. The SNELL rating is more stringent than DOT, so the SNELL rating means a helmet that'll stand up to more impact. DOT is the minimum standard. There ARE "novelty" helmets available which are usually just a shell with very little crush material if any & minimum padding. Basically, if you wear a "novelty" helmet, it won't do much to protect you IF you ever need it. Type helmets I prefer: In cold weather, I use a modular -- flip front full coverage. All the rest of the time I prefer the 3/4 with a visor in good weather & a shield in bad. I find the visor has a great deal to do with the cooling air flow of the helmet in hot weather.

The idea about trying helmets in the shop is always a good one. If you buy a helmet here and then take it home you will not be given any redress if you feel that you have changed your mind.
This is due to the legislation regarding the dropping of the helmet. You may be a very honest person but there are some very dodgy punters out there willing to rip you or the seller off.............
Anyway good luck with your purchase..
PS Make sue it does not have a sound system in it, then you will not have to listen to her rabbitting LOL:p
I don't really know what type is best, sounds like good advice from the previous posters.
I have heard, if you have a ten dollar head, get a ten dollar helmet.
I don't wear a helmet, what does that tell you?
+1 on TRYING it on! I believe there must be some evil plot by helmet manafacturers to confound wearers. There really are no 'standards' when it comes to sizes. SO buyer (on the internet) beware! You can always try to get a better deal on the internet ONCE you've decided on the brand & size.
I was a track man for many years so, naturally swear by full face. Besides, wifey prefers them as they tend to be easier on her allergies.
Ihave the arai flip shield have had it for a few years am well plesed with it.
You need to take her around to diffrent places and let her try them on.
Diffrent makes fit diffrently even though they may the same size.