Replaced the 'filtered valves' with conventional and that took care of the leak. Turns out the valve stems that Weld sends with the wheels are on the short side, and the filtered valves are on the long side, so screwing on the caps pushes the valves open a bit (but the valve caps were metal and had a gasket, so didn't leak down too fast).

Dropped pressure to 16 today (low as I want to go) and ride is even better. I've got a lowering kit and the bike lowered about 2". Ride was pretty harsh as a 2 wheeler, but much better as a trike - something I had not anticipated. Put on about 100 miles and loving it more by the mile. Very stable. Hands off the bars (on a smooth road) and tracks straight and true. Supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow. The leaves can wait.
Not my vrod trike. mine is chromed out pretty much like philips HD. pictures of the before....curley:yes:
I finally got my vrod trike back, its not finished the centerline wheels will not be made until 12/6. AIN'T it nice to hear that a USA company has a 3 week back log of orders. The wheels are on loan from Philip Ware @ Texas Trike Conversions in Conroe, Tx.
I finally got the pictures to download. They are not the best quality but the give you an idea what my ride looks like.....:yes: