Our first Trike trip

Moonstar: I just logged on to report my 1st trike trip...then I read your post and you said it all! I went to east Tennessee, after visiting an old Army buddy in Indianapolis, and back along the MS River nothward and home. 1,300 miles and your 1st paragraph summed up everything I would have said, so "thanks"!
This is probably more appropriate for the electrical section but....we figured out the issue with our lights blowing fuses continually. In the end it has nothing to do with the LED light bar and lighted mirrors that we added. The toal amp draw on the fuse is 10 amps.

The issue has been caused by the light bar on the back of the trike. We have a 9 lamp Peterson light bar with incandescent bulbs. Turns out the bulbs were vibrating loose and the bulb base was touching the metal rim outside of the insultating ring, causing a short, thus blowing the fuse. You could see where arcing had occurred at 3 of the bulb insertion sites.

The best solution the dealer has advised us to do is replace the incandescents with LED lights. Since we are leaving for Sturgis Friday, they did a quick fix to prevent the bulb from loosening. We plan on replacing the lights with LED's when we return. The dealer also discovered the wiring to the light bar is not soldered, but coated with some plastic stuff that is wearing out. So when we put in the LED lights they are going to solder all the wires and coat them with shrink wrap heat protector stuff. (excuse my lack of technical terms here!)

The mystery has been solved, and of course in the end will cost more dollars!
Glad the issue was discovered. A lot of times the issue is not where you think it is. I guess that's why troubleshooting is so expensive. Sounds like you have a good fix planned.