Oxford Hot Hands

I recently installed these on my Goldwing Trike and after just returning from a camping trip that took me to Talladega and included long rides in 36-46 degree weather, I am impressed with this product. The installation is easy. The wraps are a tight fit on my hand grips, but they heat up fast and if anything, put off too much heat. I found myself turning them off every 10 minutes or so and then turning them on when my hands started to get cold again. Note, the product has an on/off switch. There is no hi-med-low adjustment. While it does take some getting used to the grips being bigger with the wraps installed, this is a very inexpensive way to solve those cold finger problems with winter riding.
By the way, the dealer in this ebay link sells these at his Ohio store for $39.50, which is a real bargain. ThumbUp
