Paradox: Fertilize to make grass grow, then have to mow like crazy!

I like a well maintained yard for the young grandchildren to pay on. My yard looks like a rose between two thorns who happen to be my neighbors.

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Terry, that is a nice lawn. I like green, but green in the desert is a hard thing. Sun beating down takes a toll and water is a premium. We are lucky if we get 6 inches of rain a year. Crazy thing, when it does rain, sometimes it will rain 2 inches in 30 minutes.

What green I do have, trees and plants, are on a drip system. Jim
Yeah Jim, that is one good thing about living where I do, a lot of green grass. Thanks, when I purchased this house 3 years ago the yard was nonexistent. My yard was much larger before I sold the other place in the country. This one is easy to care for in comparison and has been a fairly easy task.