Prayers For My Family

Papa Zook

Staff member
My brother's daughter took her own life this weekend leaving a young son and daughter. She was struggling with depression and lost the battle.
Condolences to you and your family PZ.

Suicide is never the answer to life's problems, especially when one leaves a loving family behind.

Hopefully the healing goes well for all.
Prayers sent for you and the family Randy. A tragic loss, especially when the youngsters are left without their mother.
Prayers To your Family Randy........There is't much more one can say..:Angel::biblehold:
This is a tragedy. I am so sorry for the heartache your family is suffering. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Randy and Marge... this is so sad. Prayers for comfort sent for your family.
Randy, prayers and condolences are being sent to you and the family from the entire Maggie Valley group in this trying time of need.

Our deepest and most sincere sympathies to you and the family.
Randy and Marge,

Our thoughts and prayers for peace and comfort are with you and your family during this difficult time.

God bless,

Bob and Kathy

Although no words can really help to ease your loss or help answer the question "why?", please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad and difficult time.
