Prayers for the wife

Would like to have prayers for the wife as she will be laid up for a couple months. As some of you know she fell one night while we were down in Maggie Valley well this is one of the reason she fell 90 of the bones in her left foot was broke and out of place. She had surgery for Charcot foot Friday this is what they put on after they reformed her foot and rearranged all the bones in her foot and yes those are wires going though her foot and leg with a couple rod about 3/16 of an inch in the leg
Sallys new shoe.jpg
Prayers from your neighbor to the South. Hope your wifes recovery goes well.

P.S. Drink coffee with Terry and Kenny every day.
Lanny, we hope Sally gets well quickly and recovers so she can ride again. Our hope and prayers to both of you. It will be a while but I sure hope y'all make it to Mid-America.

God's Speed..... :xszpv::xszpv:
Thoughts and prayers heading your way, I'm sure you'll take good care of Sally during her recovery period, let her know we're thinking of her.
Lanny, I did not know Sally had fallen at MV?!? So sorry to hear about this. The picture of her foot looks painful but on the bright side, she should be good as new in a few months and back riding.

Thoughts and Prayers,ThumbUp
prayers/best wish's for your wife and you,,,, its hard for anyone to deal with injuries and their husband/wife suffer as well.
so hoping for speedy recovery,,,,
Thank you all so much. Told her the other spray she could not ride the trike with that on because she would scratch the trike. She got a laugh out of that :D
Needing more prayer wife foot is not doing great it has a vein that they must have nicked bleeding has it has been for months, going to a vascular surgeon Tuesday, her other knee is messed up now and had to have a shot in it, With both legs messed up her Right Should is hurting think she must have pulled or tore a muscle. I help her get up out of the chair get her in a wheel chair to take her to the restroom then wheel her back. Life should be better when you retire but sure don't seem that way for us

Prayers for sure. I do understand the feeling of not being able to help the spouse with unexpected medical issues. Wife had both knees replaced, right shoulder rebuilt, both thumbs have been repaired and the most recent stomach surgery. Prayers always puts God in charge, keep praying and let God do his thing. Jim
Lanny, I'm sending some good 'Karma' your way, time for a change in how things are going.
Prayer for your wife and you. It can be a really hard time for both when one is down and hurting and the other one doing what they can to help. Praying for both of you and a answer to what caused the problem and a quick recovery.