Prayers please


TOI - New Zealand
Friday your time at 11 am, Saturday our time in NZ I pick up my Ultra Champion trike conversion. Last time I did this I crashed when I was nearly home. Please pray for a safe new start and that I might get the skills quickly and onward in to safe riding. I will post tomorrow when I am home. Thanks and Blessings Ian.:pray:
Ian, I will definitely be thinking of you and praying for your safe journey home today! Please do check in as soon as you get home. Blessings to you and your wife too !!!! :)
Ian, think postive, and take ur time. Say ur prayer before u start driving. It will be fine just don't over think it...
U will be in our thoughts..
Praise God, I got home 20 minutes ago. Rode very slowly at first and was going a bit faster towards the end. Found sharp turns tricky, but made it down the freeway, over a 6 lane bridge without holding my breath and past my accident scene. Only one foot down and slight skid moment making a sharp left turn down hill to the left with a sharp left hand camber. Having a few problems with the Harley Insurance Company who were excellent with the fix and payment but who apart from Government certification, want Harley to certify it now and they won't because it is not a...... and don't want to get sued! Still will sort that out Monday. In the mean time, thank you for your prayers, I have never enjoyed a traffic jam so much!!!!! I can see why a thousand miles would be good for the penny to drop! Now it is practice practice practice. I'll get my son to help me to put a photo on here. Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe. I don't recommend ambulance rides which happened the first time I tried to bring the trike home. Blessings to you all, Ian.:GrpHug1::Coffee:ThumbUp:pepper::giggle::pray:
Praise God, I got home 20 minutes ago. Rode very slowly at first and was going a bit faster towards the end. Found sharp turns tricky, but made it down the freeway, over a 6 lane bridge without holding my breath and past my accident scene. Only one foot down and slight skid moment making a sharp left turn down hill to the left with a sharp left hand camber. Having a few problems with the Harley Insurance Company who were excellent with the fix and payment but who apart from Government certification, want Harley to certify it now and they won't because it is not a...... and don't want to get sued! Still will sort that out Monday. In the mean time, thank you for your prayers, I have never enjoyed a traffic jam so much!!!!! I can see why a thousand miles would be good for the penny to drop! Now it is practice practice practice. I'll get my son to help me to put a photo on here. Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe. I don't recommend ambulance rides which happened the first time I tried to bring the trike home. Blessings to you all, Ian.:GrpHug1::Coffee:ThumbUp:pepper::giggle::pray:

Glad to hear youre back in the saddle. Do you have an rake kit on the bike? If not its a must have in my book.
Ian I'm pleased to read you made it back safely this time. See what practise does. :yes: Keep in touch & we'll tee up to meet somewhere or what ever suits you best.
Cheers. Baz. :Trike1:
Yes, have eazy steer if that is a rake kit Bazooka. Baz I need your tuition help, Went for a short ride bedore, firstly with the hand brake on. Then the drive has a nasty drop at the top and did my foot down thing. I keep feeling like I am going to fall off! I don't trust myself to push through and really gather speed. Infact glad I went out only for a very short time, but seemed more insecure than yesterday!!!!! Any tips people, trainer wheels! Blessings, Ian.
Ian: Just take it nice & slow for a few hundred miles, go to a large empty parking lot and practice your turns, stops, cornering and keep in mind that its a little wider in the back. When your going into a curve, focus on a spot where you want to be when you come out of curve & thats where you'll end up, and please remember to keep those feet on the boards or pegs, putting your feet down will only cause you pain, Good Luck.......tis
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<img src="images/misc/quote_icon.png" alt="Quote" /> Originally Posted by <strong>kiorana123</strong>
<a href="showthread.php?p=77378#post77378" rel="nofollow"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/viewpost-right.png" alt="View Post" /></a>
<div class="message">Yes, have eazy steer if that is a rake kit Bazooka. Baz I need your tuition help, Went for a short ride bedore, firstly with the hand brake on. Then the drive has a nasty drop at the top and did my foot down thing. I keep feeling like I am going to fall off! I don't trust myself to push through and really gather speed. Infact glad I went out only for a very short time, but seemed more insecure than yesterday!!!!! Any tips people, trainer wheels! Blessings, Ian.</div>

</div>Ian we will sort something out --- maybe next weekend , sort'a depends on how much progress we make with the race bike. Regardless don't give up, you will find one day it will just fall into place & you will wonder why & how. It's all about deprogramming the brain.<img src="images/smilies/shrug.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Shrug" class="inlineimg" /> :woohoo: Baz.
Thanks guys, I need a deprogramming button as I go up the drive! Will try and find a quiet place tomorrow to do what you suggest. I know it will get better, I know it will get better, I know.........<img src="images/smilies/trike 1 smilie.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Trike1" class="inlineimg" /><img src="images/smilies/AGGGH.gif" border="0" alt="" title="AGGHH" class="inlineimg" />:giggle:
just practice,it took me about 400 miles before i felt really comfortable. my first time on the trike i pushed on the handle bar and leaned to the right and almost went straight into a truck.pulled in the cluth and bracked and put my feet down. i live on a quite back street and spent 4 days just going up and down my street back and forth and turning around in driveways then went up and down some side roads before i felt i was getting it. it just take some practice and patience.
Coming from a motorcycle/bicycle person to a triker/bicycle background, the learning curve ISa bit steep at first. The push/pull steering did not feel right at first. Leaning on a Trike does very little to nothing to help steer. A strong but relaxed upper body is very important. Constant radius turns are relatively easy, it's those decreasing radius ones that can get dicey, but, as with any vehicle, it is important to look where you are going. My prayers go with you as you learn this wonderful conveyance!
Ian, after dropping my Dyna last and fracturing my elbow, I finally came to the conclusion that my left knee just was not going to hold up two wheels any longer. We bought the 2010 HD Street Glide Trike. I spent two days about 1 hour each day in a parking lot. On the second day I rode Ron home on the back. It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that you don't have to put your feet down and hold up 700+ pounds of steel! Our riding is mtns and twisties. It took me less than 500 miles to get the curves down to a fine science. I put 20,000 miles on her in just 14 months! Think of all the good stuff coming your way! You will look back at these post in a few months and laugh!

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly and roll the throttle. One thing I might say, this is for me and my style of riding. I very seldom use my front break, only in a quick stop situation, traffic light etc! I usually gear down for the tight turns, etc. Once you get the hang of it, you will find out what works best for you and your style of riding. BTW, I might add that I am a fairly aggressive rider most of the time.
Watch it at the gas pumps. Remember that you are wider than a bike when you come in next to the pump. Also, watch when you leave and don't yourself short. Good luck with new trike and enjoy!
Cleaned the windows and did the floors today, went to the Doc, blood pressure up, I read someone rode their trike to their Doc and the pressure was down! Once I get rid of the anxiety syndrom "All will be well, all manners of things will be well." Thanks for the tips, will do my street tomorrow and build up slowly, will let you know progress. Off to the HOG meeting tonight by car! Once I get my eye in will ride to work, perhaps not this week! Give me a call when you have got that race bike sorted Baz. Blessings, Ian.<img src="images/smilies/thumbup.gif" border="0" alt="" title="ThumbUp" class="inlineimg" /><img src="images/smilies/cool.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Cool" class="inlineimg" /><img src="images/smilies/angel3.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Angel1" class="inlineimg" />
Hello Ian :)
I am following your progress & it is similar to mine. I am slowly getting the feel of turning and am not yet totally at ease on the highways. I am greatful
to this forum for their encouragement... I was not able to take a test ride
before buying my Street Glide Trike and I'm VERY GLAD I DID NOT!!!cause I think I might have "chickened out" and walked away because it feels so awkward at first. My ride home from the dealership was done on a Sunday morning on local roads. In fact I highly recommend EARLY Sunday morning outings to get the feel of your new Trike. As the miles pile up you WILL feel more & more at ease , just like everyone here says!
Good Luck & Godspeed!
