Prescription to ride


Tech Guru
I think I got a Prescription to ride today,,,,:Shrug:

I had a Dr's appointment this morning for the annual check up, did blood work Monday. It is a good 50 miles to the Dr office, and I decided to take Big Bird this morning... ThumbUp

So ya know the first thing they do is take temp, and blood pressure, and mine was down in the almost normal range this morning,,, when the Dr came in he ask what was different from Monday, and I told him I rode my tricycle today, it makes me feel better, so he said keep it up, it is helping,,,ThumbUp Still have the BP pills, but an endorsement to ride too. So now when I want to go riding I can tell the wife or who ever it is time to take my meds.......... Just wished he would have given me that little piece of paper, saying : Ride often for Blood Pressure
I agree with that :) My doctor told me , in front of my wife, I shouldn't be riding a bike anymore. So I traded it for a trike :) and used the doctor as the excuse. To bad I couldn't get him to write a prescription, I could have had Medicare pay for it, :)

By the way I am W4WNG
John's BP has come waaaaaaaay down, now that we're on the trike instead of on four when we go to the doc . . . connection? Without a doubt!
I have another appointment in the morning but in Dallas. I will have really high BP when I get there cause it is early, and dead in the middle of the morning clog time, and will be in the cage :( When I get back I will have to double up on my meds, and take a 150 mile or so circle to calm down........ I hope I don't over dose:
all funny. as soon as I show up at my doctor, he loves talking about my bikes/trikes. I've told him to check my blood pressure before we talk because I get to excited talking and raise the pressure.