Pure F--king Magic


850+ Posts
Got up this morning and wasn't feeling too chipper. Read the local newsrag, had some breakfast and started having some tightness in my chest, unable to take a deep breath and slight headache on the right side of my face/head. Told the wife I'm going to go the emergency room. Got dressed and left driving myself to the hospital. Got about 2.5 miles from hospital and started to hear what sounded like a siren over my radio.

I was listening to Fox News and they were interviewing someone, so I thought it may be from them, turned the volume down and then I looked at the radio and noted it said someone was calling 911 so I quickly hung up the phone and about 5 second later the 911 operator called back and wanted to know what the emergency was so I told her there was no emergency and what happened. About 30 seconds later, after I had turned off the radio, the same thing happened again I answered and told the operator there was no emergency.

Again about 30 seconds later, the same thing happened again. Nobody was dialing my phone, it was in it's holder which was clipped to my right front pants pocket. Spent all morning in the emergency room at the hospital. Was diagnosed with AFIB. Put on a stronger blood thinner than my aspirin and Plavix. Taking shots 2X a day for the next 5 days then starting on Pradaxa
Ray, sorry to hear. Keep us updated. I know you didn't seem to chipper at the AZ gathering. Will say a prayer for you.
You Take Care Ray, And Follow Your Doctors Advice........:angel16:
RMitch, you were lucky to make it to the hospital with just the small amount of blood your Afib was allowing to circulate. Had a similar Afib situation wake me up in the middle of the night after we'd just returned from a 2300 mile bike trip. Thankfully the Lord kept that from happening while we were still on the trip.