Rainey day thought#22........

rhino 2

100000 + Posts
Gold Member
Its been recently brought to my attention [By Randall AKA Gone2Three] that right after i got my Slingshot it has rained almost ever other day and mostly like now on weekends....

Me' I Not being a meteorologist in any sense if the word are starting to think this might be true..

And so if this is so then i apologize for all the rain i had brought forth....:cxtv:

It's a good time for a :gathering:

Sounds like you want to form a committee....As president of my Club when ever we have a problem that we all can't get a consensus on, I will nominate/form a committee, And this way they will never meet to make a decision, So after a while the problem will solve itself , I Love forming committees makes my job so much easier....:D
Just looking at the rain fall figures , Out my way last year 16.00 inches, So far this year [And its still raining heavy now] 64.4 inches....:gah:
I was about to say, I haven’t been caught in much rain while traveling to job sites lately. But then you had to mention weekends. Nice to not blame the weatherman for weekend rain for once.
Just looking at the rain fall figures , Out my way last year 16.00 inches, So far this year [And its still raining heavy now] 64.4 inches....:gah:

Well, there's the proof right there that your slingshot is to blame. Better sell it and get back on a Harley asap!

Those 2019's sure are purty.

All for now---Dirty Old Moose
Well, there's the proof right there that your slingshot is to blame. Better sell it and get back on a Harley asap!

Those 2019's sure are purty.

All for now---Dirty Old Moose

Nope i'm done with Harley......How does the saying go:

Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me!.....:mad:
Its been recently brought to my attention [By Randall AKA Gone2Three] that right after i got my Slingshot it has rained almost ever other day and mostly like now on weekends....

Me' I Not being a meteorologist in any sense if the word are starting to think this might be true..

And so if this is so then i apologize for all the rain i had brought forth....:cxtv:

Well, it is pretty clear to me that the Slingshot is responsible for Weekend Climate Change !!!:Joker3:
Nope i'm done with Harley......How does the saying go:

Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me!.....:mad:

Boy do I hear you there. Not from a Slingshot point of view but an Indian. It is so nice to be able to just ride and not have to plan around yet another need for some kind of service repair. Yes, covered under warranty but big dang deal. I'd rather not have to use the warranty but apparently HD thinks otherwise.
Boy do I hear you there. Not from a Slingshot point of view but an Indian. It is so nice to be able to just ride and not have to plan around yet another need for some kind of service repair. Yes, covered under warranty but big dang deal. I'd rather not have to use the warranty but apparently HD thinks otherwise.

I think the method in there madness is, The Kool-Aid takers will shell out a grand or more for an extended warranty, And then Harley gets paid up front interest free for the repair.

Why improve the product when the customer will do the Research and Development for you and also pay you for it ...Marketing Genius they are....:D
Just wish it was warm enough to rain! Bob is that your fault too?

Just a little too warm it hit 50 * yesterday....I guess its all the hot air coming from the other United States..That will change soon . In November at my club we had 16 inches of snow....8 at home...All washed away now....Actually i wound't mind some snow i enjoy pushing snow around....;)