Rake kit from Bazooka

WOW!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! HOLY RAKE KITS BATMAN!!!!!! That was by far the BEST money I ever spent! It's like riding a different bike. I had a great shop work on it for me here in Baltimore. My mechanic who does my work says that it was a great kit. I dropped it off in the evening, went to dinner and caught a few innings of the O's game, got back and he was putting the fairing back together. I had a bunch of work done while the fairing and wheel were off. 6 hours and I road that baby home.

Not many shops love what they do to a point that they will stay until 0130 working on a guys bike. That's the difference between working for a check, and working for the love of what you do. Many thanks to Bazooka for the hookup on the rake kit. A great big THANKS to Paul and Brian over at Charm City Choppers for the great work and the dedication that you put into the shop. I would like to tell you more, but I gotta go RIDE!:10:
Have fun and ride safe, here on Kent Island I am lucky and have a shop I go to that is like that also.

I bought and installed a set of Hog Halter Inc. (HHI) raked tripple trees from bazooka.

There is one great thing about making a tripple tree purchase from zook, is that you can always find him. (he can't hide from you being the forum administrator) HAH HAH zook , serves you right!

They are solid and well made. Allot more solid than stock, and i liked the price compared to other tripple trees i looked at out there.

It was a bit of a job installing it on my 89 tour glide only because there is so much involved in getting to them and putting the bike back together.

They came with 2" fork extensions so my bike sits level.

I like the way the center shaft tightens from the bottom with a 3/8 ratchet so i was able to torqe the preload on the bearings more easily.

There is a set screw to run in on the shaft on the lower tree and keep the shaft from loosening up and the top nut is torqed also for extra security.

The stock lock tabs that hold the circut breakers work on the top nut.

The lower fork tripple trees fork stabilizer pinch clamps are an improvment over Harleys OEM system

The forks SCREW into the top tripple tree so there is no chance at miss-alighnment through the trees and no pinch clamps around your upper forks to come loose.

It is screwed in hand tight so no torque needed.( put your pipe wrench away lads)

The bottom shaft is drilled and tapped so you can mount your original front brake manifold.

Hardware is included.

Check out the front air system on you bike. Mine is an old one and i had to convert it.

Many of the newer bikes don't have air on the front forks and the newer ones that do should be eaiser to hook up with a few parts, hoses etc. from the local hardware store.

to see the installation of the HHI tripple trees google-


you can see what they look like.

For the shiney stuff nuts out there, they will trip your trigger, giving you something else to shine. You can't see it on my bike.

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