Rally in the valley IV

The Wolf

TOI - Scotland
Having just said goodbye to Maggie Valley we........I mean Kathryn & myself leave with a heavy heart as we will miss all our new found friends. The time had at Maggie valley has been a wonderful & memorable one especially when the photos come on stream. We do wish to pay our heartfelt thanks to Thirdwheel (George) & his good lady Dolores they not only took us in but provided us with the use of his trike or as thirdwheel calls it his POS.... If it was not for them our long weekend in Maggie Valley would have been a pipe dream. Now can we thank all who coordinated this event to make it run like clockwork, these people include Nana, Bazooka & their families. A special thank you to Dale from wheels thru time for his generosity. From this posting it looks like we had a good time.....how right you are......here's looking to the next time...just magic....The Wolf
Jake and Kathryn, you guys fit right in and are family forever now :D. And thank you for the awesome door prize items from Scotland -- a big hit!
Wolf ,
Glad you and your better half had a wonderful time in the valley, should you like something different for a change you might consider a visit to one of our western rallies in Reno, Nevada some time.
Have a safe trip home.
Jake and Kathryn, you guys fit right in and are family forever now :D. And thank you for the awesome door prize items from Scotland -- a big hit!

:Agree: I was simply amazed to learn how far they traveled and then supplied great door prizes to boot.
great people. loved them at first meeting. thanks for coming over here. and thanks Third Wheel for doing the arrangments.
totally awesome simply wonderful waiting on word of Next years ralley Did you say SCOTLAND? :pepper: (Party)
All of our lives have been enriched for having met Jake and Katheren..Your generosity
and friendship make you both excellent representatives of your country (Scotland) and the true spirit from which T.O.I. was founded...........Old Coots on Scoots
I'm even more sorry now that I wasn't able to go. :( Hopefully you'll be able to attend another rally and we'll have a chance to meet up then!! So glad you enjoyed yourselves!! :)
Good to meat a young er couple that like to hang out with old er people like us and have a good time. most people thank we are over the hill.i wonder how many years of riding experence was at the MV on sat. evening.
Great to meet you guys, have a wonderful safe trip back home. It is really great to meet other people from other parts of the world who enjoy cycling like we do here in the USA
Hi Jake,

Pat & I both want to say that we really enjoyed your company at the rally. I wish that their had been more time but we all live busy lives and we all must move-on. See-ya next year!
Katherine and Jake, it was such a pleasure to meet you! You are such a handsome couple. Thanks for bringing the door prizes all the way over here. You guys over there sure know how to add the color to everything.

Hope you had a nice flight home and hope to see you again someday.
What a joy it ws to get to know the two of you! The Chief had to do some swapping to get one of the coveted Keltic Wings t-shirts, and he'll wear it with pride, I will my cool thistle pin. The Chief says you can rub his head any time! ;):):wtg: