rewiring a single wheel trailer.


Gone But Never Forgotten
Oh the fun of it. I put this here mainly for humor and how difficult it can be.
Single wheel trailer with 4 plug vs 5 plug on trike. Never know somethings were so hard to find.
Decided to convert the trailer to 5 wire plug. No 5 wire wiring any where from any body close by. I decided to just add a wire.
Wiring goes through the frame, 2inchx4inch with no way of getting a additional wire through it. The wiring goes into the frame on the side and comes out inside the body from the top of the frame.
Pulled the wiring, hardest pulling I have had to do in many of year.
Added the extra wire pulled back through, pretty simple this time except getting the wire through the hole inside. Took a few.
I had to add another set of lights for the 5 wire set up. Again living in the country not much to offer close by. Found a set of red double lcd lights. Not what I wanted but hey it works.

I am not up on the new kinda of lcd lighting, not knowing much. Only one wire. I said wth. I scratched me head and took the light apart. The ground was where the bolt fastened to what it was going on. Opps, fiberglass. Had to add 2 more wires to the project.
Got lights on the trailer. Doing the wiring. I took a look and all I could say, well now ain't gonna be fun. There were wires every where.

Went to cutting things so they could be reconnected some where else. Does that make any sense. Not to me it don't.
So I end up with 4 ground wires, 2 sets of lights, + pig tail. Right turn, left turn, brakes, running lights. A total of 13 wires to connect. I said a lot of wires.
Got them all took care of. Now the plug. 6 wire round plug. Start to connect and all I can think is who has eyes that good to see all them small letters.
Now slow time. I get em all done.

Well crap lost the locking screw. These things are small. I ended up using a set screw. It will work. Start on the trike. My eyes are not working so well by now. Take a coke break. Get em all connected. I always use my ohm meter to check for shorts and check the wiring so I know it's right. Well now, sometem is out of wack.

After about 30 minutes I realize I had 2 wires reversed. Turn were backward.
Hook it up and slam bam thank you, everything works like ti suppose to.
I spilled 3 cokes, one cup of coffee, lost 2 screws, couldn't find my volt meter-wife had it- my biggest problem my dog would not leave me or things alone. Have to keep her wit me. She don't like no one else.
All in all was so bad. I hate getting old, you lose stuff too easy. I spent 25% of the time trying to figure out what I did with something.
I'll post a photo later on.
Don't laugh at the color. I have got to get this painted.

13 wires???? That's a 5 wire job at best. What's the fifth wire for on the trike?? Inside light? Ground is daisy chained. Hey, it gave you something to do right??
Yea it did. the difference between a 4 wire and 5 wire is the brake light. 4 wire has the turn and brake on the same light ( 2 circuits) as where a 5 wire has it on 3 circuits.