The woke mob always says, "Go woke or go broke" , I guess Budweiser will go broke. Here's a list of what they own and people can boycott: https://www.anheuser-busch.com/brands and also see this website to see more of their products and vote with your wallet: https://www.tapintoyourbeer.com/guide-our-beers They should have introduced a new beer called "Fruit Loops" not flavored after the cereal but the idea of a fruit salad spokesperson.

Foster's Australian for beer and I used to be able to get it years ago when I was back east, its not available in New Mexico. :(
Not that it matters but I sent Anheuser-Bush an email stating the following...... Several years ago, I switched from Miller Lite to Bud Lite, then recently to Michelob Ultra, but since you have decided to have a man who is pretending to be a woman to be a spokesperson for your company, I can no longer support your company. So, I will be disposing of your products and will be drinking a beer that is supporting real men and women, not the mentally ill people that you seem to feel is mainstream America.

I may just be one person, but it has to start somewhere. So hopefully more like-minded folks will boycott this woke company.
The video has garnered more than 8 million views so far. I am sure AB did not think that more people would be against the stunt than for it. Corporate ignorance is bliss!
If I did buy their products which I never did, I definitely wouldn’t buy it now…😁..

I saw where Nike has a fruit-loop now as a spokesperson. Don't know if it's the same one that AB has because remembering those things are not important to me. However, going to Nikes' official web site I found they are still categorizing their products for Men, Women, and Kids. Another bunch of marketing idiots.
Same sissy promoting Nike sports-bras for women, doesn't even have breasts. I doubt this individual will try a cup and promote that. How can a company sink any further in sales. I will not buy anything from Nike, its bad enough they use slave labor to make their junk and now mentally ill people to promote it.
I pulled more Budweiser loads than I care to remember. Out of Colorado..out of New Jersey. They have they're own exit scales.Gotta have the inside of the trailer washed out before arrival or they wont load you. Always heavy..usually around 47,000 pounds of product.I always showed up with half tanks of fuel and ran that way to make weight. Always had to slide the trailer tandems and slide the 5th wheel to get the weight right. Gotta have alcohol permits for each state you travel through. My only regret is that Im retired and cant refuse thire load.