

Gold Member
Gold Member
Well crap, we won't be riding this week, I broke my little toe on my right foot yesterday. The dining room table has been in the same place for about 15 years, it's solid oak but yesterday I guess I didn't see it, WHAM *&%$^@# and a few other choice words, lol. It's taped up to the next toe for a few days and pretty swelled, no way I'm getting a boot on. Not my first rodeo with a little toe but it's been awhile.
Well crap, we won't be riding this week, I broke my little toe on my right foot yesterday. The dining room table has been in the same place for about 15 years, it's solid oak but yesterday I guess I didn't see it, WHAM *&%$^@# and a few other choice words, lol. It's taped up to the next toe for a few days and pretty swelled, no way I'm getting a boot on. Not my first rodeo with a little toe but it's been awhile.

God invented the little Toe for use as a a buffer…Similar to curb feelers..😁..
I don’t think there is anyone that has not smashed/stubbed a toe in a lifetime. But it will turn some nice colors , blue , black , yellow and flaming red .

Feel better buddy..
Sorry to hear this but better now than later.This way you can get healed by MV.You 2 may need to isolated and put in bubble wrap.
been in the same place for about 15 years,

​Have done similar things running on 'auto pilot' not giving all my attention to what I'm doing. Might be tender for a long while. Sorry about your luck.