Sad News

Okay, as most of you know, I'm awake around 4am every morning.

I was in the kitchen making coffee with my little buddy outside doing his business, when he started barking like crazy. I opened the door to make him stop when I heard my Tri Start/

I flew out the door just in time to see it fly down the cul-de-sac and off into the night. I was shocked. I ran to the driveway and the garage was open :Shrug: .. yep, FBG was gone.

I ran back into the house and called 911. The police came, took prints. There was no indication how the door got open or how the FBG got started. I do not leave the keys or Fob in the trike. I filled out a police report and they looked around to see if there was any other "evidence".

The police believe some electronic thingie was used to open the garage, but, I thought that was impossible with the rolling code systems.

Just got off the phone with the insurance company. I'm covered, $200 deductible, so that is good. I just feel violated.

Anyway ... I'll keep y'all updated as I hear things.
Okay, as most of you know, I'm awake around 4am every morning.

I was in the kitchen making coffee with my little buddy outside doing his business, when he started barking like crazy. I opened the door to make him stop when I heard my Tri Start/

I flew out the door just in time to see it fly down the cul-de-sac and off into the night. I was shocked. I ran to the driveway and the garage was open :Shrug: .. yep, FBG was gone.

I ran back into the house and called 911. The police came, took prints. There was no indication how the door got open or how the FBG got started. I do not leave the keys or Fob in the trike. I filled out a police report and they looked around to see if there was any other "evidence".

The police believe some electronic thingie was used to open the garage, but, I thought that was impossible with the rolling code systems.

Just got off the phone with the insurance company. I'm covered, $200 deductible, so that is good. I just feel violated.

Anyway ... I'll keep y'all updated as I hear things.

Have you brought it in for service lately?...I ask cause my Brother in law brought his Acura in for service then the next night right in his driveway the seats were stolen....

And the first thing the Cops ask.....Have you brought it in for service?...What is common is the thief working at the dealer knows your address and codes ....Loosens all the bolts to the seats at the dealer so they can get them out fast.....And then they will put the seats in their soup can exhaust Honda Civic......
Wow Alan! i am so sorry to hear that! That is truly sad news! Praying FBG will be found and returned to you unharmed!

You had me going for a bit!
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Have you brought it in for service lately?...I ask cause my Brother in law brought his Acura in for service then the next night right in his driveway the seats were stolen....

And the first thing the Cops ask.....Have you brought it in for service?...What is common is the thief working at the dealer knows your address and codes ....Loosens all the bolts to the seats at the dealer so they can get them out fast.....And then they will put the seats in their soup can exhaust Honda Civic......

Just to add this really happen..No joke 😱
Sorry ... I just thought maybe some levity was in order ... ya know, since it looks like we will be in "lockdown" for at least another month. (for the record, no joke, the President confirmed the yesterday)
I think it's social distancing not lock down well at least in my world. Lock down is what we hear from the fake news channel CNN Clinton News Network LOL.... just sayin... Fred
I smelled a rat on this report immediately upon reading...but then I am the original “Doubting Thomas”... and I may say that trait has served me well... you RAT!!!
Not funny Alan:p Just so you know, your garage door with an opener can be opened from the outside even if you have a security code, The thieves use a long hook made from wire to slide in @ the door upper trim. They can hook your ( release mechanism ) and manually open the door. A zip tie thru the handle on the release mechanism can prevent this;)
Not funny Alan:p Just so you know, your garage door with an opener can be opened from the outside even if you have a security code, The thieves use a long hook made from wire to slide in @ the door upper trim. They can hook your ( release mechanism ) and manually open the door. A zip tie thru the handle on the release mechanism can prevent this;)

I don't use the release mechanism, it broke about 6 years ago, it's now bolted. Only need to use it when the door is closed and I'm inside ... I have a wrench on the wall for just that purpose. It still looks like it works ... but it don't. :D

Oh yea ... and it was a little funny ... :Shrug:
Sorry to hear this, it just makes me so mad when I hear reports like this, I remember 15 years ago I had a very high dollar stereo put in my car with speakers, 2 days later the window was broke out and stereo gone, still had speakers though, I was in a bar parking lot during the daylight hours, was only in bar long enough to drink one beer and then come and it's gone. Come to find out a week later they busted the outfit that installed my stereo, they was ripping off stereo's from cars that they installed high dollar outfits. From then on I just leave the stock radio in it now for vehicles I own.

Where I live now had a 2 1/2 car garage built and had openers put in the 2 single doors, every so often I would find one garage door open, I ended changing the codes and haven't had problem since and I have been here now 22 years.

All for now Trampas
After I typed all of this in the post above, now Fuzzy is this real or fake being it April 1, I totally forgot about this, and if real so sorry, I did go back and read some of the posts and it sounds fishy

All for now Trampas