Screw in new front tire

Got a screw in my less than 2000 mile front tire. I know you don't plug the front tire on a two wheeler and I assume the same goes for three wheels, am I correct? This could be the most expensive "screw" I have ever had! Sux!
I'd just replace the tire, but then I'm anal when it comes to my passenger and my safety.


I once once replaced a front tire with 200 miles on it..sent it to a guy in NM. He patched it and ran it bald!!! I'm not wealthy but I'm also not THAT poor. :xszpv::xszpv:
You'll get a lot of opinions on this one...
I've plugged many tires, If the hole isn't on the sidewall, or a rip ' a plug will work'
I plugged a rear tire on my 1800VTX. that had only 3 hundred miles on it, Road it out to 65 hundred miles till the tread wore out.. What I do is plug then put sealer in the tire...
Works for me..:Shrug:
I once sealed a ATC tire (sidewall) caveman style with a nut and bolt, ran it that way for years...
I would plug and tube it.
I was at a show and a guy selling tire plug gadgets said he had a guy come up to him and tell him he came to the show from NJ. 125 miles with 4 plugs in his rear tire. The guy says to me he thought the guy was an A Hole for doing it and more of an A hole to actually admit it to someone.
If its not in the sidewall, take it to a tire shop and get a patch put on the inside..
They do it to auto tires all the time..
Unless of course it was a humungus screw..
"IF" You decide to repair it, inside patch only by a Tire Shop.....over the years I've lost tires to screws, etc. with virtually no miles on Them. I'll repair one on a Car/Truck, but I never trust doing it on a Motorcycle/Trike/Scooter. I've patched Them enough to get Home, but then parked until the new tire arrives. I had a Triumph 1050 Speed Triple that I got a screw in the rear with only 1100 miles on it...replaced it, 100 miles later that one picked up a screw...3 Michelin Pilot Power Rear Tires purchased in a week ($720)..."HAPPENS"......:(
When I rode 2 wheels I would NEVER ride a bike with a patched tire, front or rear. Maybe that was because I experienced 2 blowouts with rear tires over the years that almost ended very badly. Maybe with a Trike I might, but why go through the worry for a $110.00 I might run a tube in it depending on the location of the puncture.
If its not in the sidewall, take it to a tire shop and get a patch put on the inside..
They do it to auto tires all the time..
Unless of course it was a humungus screw..

I agree with onahog, I've done this many times on cars and trucks that I've owned, never had a problem. if you decide to buy a new tire just send me the old one and I will dispose of it for you :D.
Well you will do what seems good to you and thats as it should be,but in 50 years of riding 100s of thousands of miles I can't even begin to count the number of tubes I've patched on the side of the road or tires I've plugged and rode on until the tires were worn out. Since I regularly check my pressure anyway I know if they are losing pressure. I believe as long as I am checking things regularly I will catch any problem before it gets out of hand. I have no intention of throwing away a tire with good tread still on it

Your experience may be different and that is great. We all need to do what we feel comfortable with.
I have used "Stop & Go" a plug kit to get home ...then a patch and tube to wear the tire on out...this was on two wheels...I will do it on a trike where I will get twice the miles out of the rear tires than I do on two wheels...
Have patched motorcycle tires (on the inside) for years with NO problem. On the road have plugged 'em also. Currently run Ride-On in all my tires and feel very safe if I pick up a nail/screw..

But ya know what ever keeps your peace of mind.....

And like several others have suggested, ship it to me and I'll dispose of it for you.