Show your favorite pic of your Trike, just one

Here's my favorite, not a current pic, not clean, but lots of memories. Pic taken on the ride to Bella Coola, Canada.

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DSCN0838.JPG The Transformer right after the conversion. My little buddy is Harley he has ridden with me since the first wife (deceased) and daughters built him at Build a Bear back in 2008. He still rides but now with the new wife. We put more miles on the trike this summer than it had on it when converted. LOVE IT.
I think it was Mary (Kevin of DK's wife) that took this ... if not it was Kevin ... I like this pic because it was one of the few times in my life that I've "followed with blind faith" ... helps to remind me it's what God expects from me everyday.

Kevin made a U Turn by driving down a couple foot drop off the road into the dirt, I'd of bet the Tri would of turned over. :AGGHH:

Fuzzy In.jpg