Snow in Southern California


850+ Posts

Talk about screwed up weather. This picture was taken about noon Thursday the 23rd about 40 miles east of San Diego on Interstate 8 eastbound about 4000 feet. After the rain/snow last night and today, there is probably twice as much now.
Crazy weather is right but at least now when the snow melts. They will have enough water to fill the swimming pools , water, the lawn and irrigate the golf courses…
Our daughter lives in Corona - said still raining there and they are ready for some sunshine.

It was 25 here in Michigan - and our family that lives in Virginia said it was 82. Well, March 1st is almost here. Weather should hopefully start to get nicer soon. At least the days are longer.
When one label doesn't work they just redefine it and yell louder about it. They can't answer if we are just continuing to warm up from the Ice Age.

About 1300 years ago Greenland once was green around the edges and the natives there were able to grow cabbage and other vegetables then at around 1400 years ago it froze over ! Now that ice is melting in Greenland the natives are able to grow cabbage again so whats climate change? Which is a natural occurrence..Like the hole in the ozone layer, which is a natural vent so now that it’s closing up, the planet is getting warmer… The same with Antarctica scientists are now saying it used to be a green continent…! And you won’t find that information from a Snapple bottle cap either … like Yogi said (He didn’t say) you can observe a lot just by looking or In this case just by reading old articles before they came up with the catch phrase Global Warming And that we are causing with our Muscle Cars and Lawn mowers ..
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When one label doesn't work they just redefine it and yell louder about it. They can't answer if we are just continuing to warm up from the Ice Age.

You can bet your last dollar all these globalist nut jobs return to their homes, turn the heat up, eat tons of red meat and laugh at the rest of the world they think they have fooled
Let’s face it . This global warming BS will not change if you get a E- Car , change your gas stove , oil burner , wood stove , gas heating unit , air and boat travel , ect .

Does anyone really think the United States is going to heal the world ? All this talk is just a fart in a wind storm . Unless the WORLD is on board , it will NEVER EVER happen . So dream on thinking it’s going to get better .

BTW , you will have a sanitized coffin .