TEXAS trike/bike insurance

Sorry about that George! I miss read it or my mind was somewhere else. For what you pay a year it does have some value. Maybe I need to rethink my insurance???
As my agent wrote me, it isn't just about medical...

"Your annual premium would reduce $267/year, if you removed the Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury. This coverage is one that is the greatest risk, when in an accident on a motorcycle. For example, if someone hits you and injures you leaving permanent disability, the at-fault parties insurance would likely pay the max and then your underinsured motorist would kick in. A few years back, we had an insured that was in an accident where a vehicle hit him, he flew off his motorcycle, was in ICU for an extended period of time and became permanently paralyzed from the neck down. He now has a caretaker 24/7 and had to have disabled modifications made to his home and had to purchase a van that had wheel chair modification made so he could be transported to appointments and to get around. In this case, the party that hit him, fled the scene. Medical insurance will only get you so far. That is just an example of why this coverage is so important and why the premium is the highest on your policy."

This info may or may not apply to folks in other states as the law changes from state to state but an accident might mean more than just a trip to the ER. If you couldn't work again because of physical injury, an uninsured or underinsured party would only have limited or no resources and without this insurance, it seems you would be out of pocket. $267 a year hurts but not as much as being permanently disabled and with no resources for self-support if you still rely on your income or the on-going costs to keep your life at a tolerable level were more than you could absorb. I believe most motorcyclists would do well to think about the trade off and potential savings on their insurance bill versus the possible consequences as it appears that at leas some of us (like myself) didn't fully realize how this insurance nuance could affect me.