The B.E.A.R.D. Room

Papa Zook

Staff member

This room is for dudes with beards or mustaches. Women who fancy men with beards or mustaches are welcome here too and are encouraged to participate. Suggested discussion will be grooming, grooming products, history of beards, notable bearded men, beard photos of yourself or other notables, beard themed T-Shirts, posters, sayings, etc. I know its difficult, but please stay on topic as much as is possible.
Good one Ken! You got the beard and the hair going there.

I recently grew a beard, more of a goatee on steroids really, and I've discovered that if I dont use a beard oil, it gets really coarse and scratchy. Never used beard oil until a couple of days ago, but I have to say its good stuff. If you have never tried it, you should.

There are hundreds of blended essential beard oils out there with the prices all over the map, some high end ones running as much as $40 per ounce down to a few bucks an ounce for the cheap stuff. Who here is using beard oil and if so which one have you tried and like? Where are you getting it from and at what price?
Itchy beards?

I have had a Beard for over 40+ years and it is pure white and I believe you will never be able to get rid of the Itch or dryness. Especially as you get older. It's something the good Lord has blessed us men with. My doctor has given me a cream to rub over the dry areas to stop the itch but really never get RID of always comes back. Especially after a good long ride under the Sun or wind. Riding your Bike doesn't help matters. Ever see a Baby Face person that has ridin alot of miles and years on a bike with smooth skin? I haven't.:Coffee: just sayin-----------
Just took the selfie and tried to make it as sinister as possible. I only shampoo when I shower and keep a comb handy. I've thought about some beard wax, but so far it hasn't bothered me. I've had a partial beard for the last 40 years, but since before that only a mustache.

I have had my goatee for over 25 years. I have found that keeping the beard real short works best for South Florida heat and stays very soft. The little lady really likes the beard short.

I use an electric hair clipper with a "blending" attachment on the beard about every 4 to 5 days.

My diet is high in coconut oils, olive oils and such. These oils taken in through normal cooking and eating habits are enough to keep the skin, nails and hair smooth and soft. The cost of these items is negligable.

I have on occasion, rubbed some coconut oil into the beard and let it soak in about an hour before showering. Baby shampoo works the best for me for both the beard and scalp. The beard will stay very soft and supple.ThumbUp

The price is unbeatable.:yahoo:

I will try to find a recent photo.
I hope this qualifies as a bonafide B.E.A.R.D. post, i knew a Sgt. in Nam, he had a handlebar mustache and it must of been 12 inches long tip to tip, and cured at the ends. He would use the wax from Hand Grenade canisters [Tubes] to keep it from drooping...And it didn't cost him a dime..:)
Dang it. Keeps posting sideways.
Anyways, had FuManchu for a while now. Started growing it a bit longer over a year ago. Pretty good for tweaking higher ups at work who are stuck in the IBM era (white button shirt and clean shaven. Even when working on dirty equipment). Been there long enough that they have no choice.
This pic is what I wore to company holiday party (plus black vest). I thought the ornaments hanging off it were a good touch. Everyone else dresses like they are going to a funeral. I tell them that if they see me in a suit, I must be going for an interview somewhere else.:qpnmt:
Did I mention that the missus wants to cut them off in my sleep?:xzqxz:

I hope this qualifies as a bonafide B.E.A.R.D. post, i knew a Sgt. in Nam, he had a handlebar mustache and it must of been 12 inches long tip to tip, and cured at the ends. He would use the wax from Hand Grenade canisters [Tubes] to keep it from drooping...And it didn't cost him a dime..:)

Did the same thing when I was over there. I wish I could find the pic. too show you.................interesting......
Full beard and hair the longest since...High School, 1971. I have a short video on my Facebook page that shows them. Gonna let them grow a while. I use Shampoo and a brush...that is all...

This was from today, it was nice out. Mine was a lot longer and thicker but I trimmed it back close a couple of days ago and I've been soaking it with beard oil every day, all to make Marge more accommodating to my sporting a beard. The oil makes a huge difference in it not being so spiky.

This was from today, it was nice out. Mine was a lot longer and thicker but I trimmed it back close a couple of days ago and I've been soaking it with oil every day, all to make Marge more accommodating to my sporting a beard. The oil makes a huge difference in it not being so spiky.
regular or synthetic?
Inquiring minds want to know...