The Chief's New Knee


Contributing Member
Earl had his new titanium and space-age ceramic knee installed on 31 August and he is now walking with only a crutch as an aid. Still on pain meds and ice, ice, ice.

The surgery was routine and successful, but the Chief being who he is, he has a tendency to block pain meds, so the morphine he was getting post-op wasn't doing it for him. They put him on dilaudid for a day or so, and that was a wild ride, with hallucinations, drug-induced dreams--what fun! Percocet made him drowsy, which he hated, and tylenol w/ codeine didn't put a dent in the pain, so now he's on lortab. What a goatrope! Anyway, he's doing great with physical therapy--I just try to ignore the screams of pain when the therapist is here "helping" him. ;):D

For you youngsters who've never seen a replaced knee post-op, here it is (though the staples are out by now):
Thanks for updating up. Letting him know we are thinking about him. If you guys need anything just let me know.
I started my pre-hab for my knee today. Kind of like going to boot camp to get you ready for it. Really not looking forward to it, but I'm tired of it hurting and not working anymore.
Love the Chief's "zipper", Juju! Give him a big hug from me this morning :D.

Joe, you'll be glad you got the knee done. Hurts for a while, but that's better than hurts forever!!!!!!
Glad he is doing better, JuJu. Say "hi" from George and me. The only thing that is disturbing about the knee replacement is all those drugs they put them on. Necessary, but scary! Hope he will be able to get off of them soon.
OK JUJU the picture was a little more graphic than I needed to see <LOL> gave me weak knees. Well our two guys are coming along. Keep it up Chief . Mine is almost ready to go 100% on both legs. About 10 days more .
d'Mama had hers done last Christmas. was a tough go for a while, but tell him that it is worth it, even the torture of the therapist, just follow orders and it will be good.
Well, the doc says I may need a new knee, but the picture sure does make me think twice or three times. Ooooooooooooo! Hope the therapy and the pain are both done pretty quick. Best wishes from ScalpHunter and me.
Just what I wanted to hear the day after my Navy Doctor referred me to Ortho for a possible knee replacement. Serioiusly, I was expecting it since 9 years ago when the Ortho Doc at Fort Bragg first suggested a replacement.

Keep up the PT Chief 'cause, from my own personal experience, you'll regret on down the line not giving a 100% effort.

well been putting off knee replacement for 2 yrs now,think i'll wait for more after reading his problems
Glad to hear that Earl is on the mend. They told me, when my hip was replaced that both knees had to go. I'm holding out till I hit 62, I'd love to make it to 65. That picture might be all I need to put it off.

Just remember, no pain no gain. Therapy is the best thing for Earl right now.
Thanks for all the good wishes. He's been hitting the PT exercises (and pain meds!) pretty hard. Here's an updated photo, showing that he staples have been removed. the long dent in his outer thigh is the scar from the old motorcycle accident in which he injured his leg to begin with--32 years ago! His legs are getting to be museums of scars. he can drive again, so look out! He'll be back on the Road King before we know it. :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the good wishes. He's been hitting the PT exercises (and pain meds!) pretty hard. Here's an updated photo, showing that he staples have been removed. the long dent in his outer thigh is the scar from the old motorcycle accident in which he injured his leg to begin with--32 years ago! His legs are getting to be museums of scars. he can drive again, so look out! He'll be back on the Road King before we know it. :rolleyes:


Juju MJ and I are praying for Earls quick recovery and for you. It's almost as hard on the partner. We will be up your way towards around the 23rd of October.
Juju, I am having flashbacks after looking at that pic. The Chief's doctor had to have the same sewing classes as my doctor.;)

You may need to hide all the weapons before the Therapist gets there.

Hope Chief recovers and gets back to 100%.

I am about 80%, and will probably not get any better:(

Too much damage from prior injuries.

Tell Chief we are hurting just thinking about his therapy.
Good luck. Therapy is the key to flexibility after replacement. Had my left done in 08 after being scared for ten years. Best thing I have ever done.Take it easy on the PK"S. Besides the Trike you have another conversation piece.