The Official Highjacked Thread. Highjacking encouraged.

Ignore Him!!!
Hijacking is Wrong and should be Criminalized.
Let's all talk about installing All-Balls synthetic Heavy Progressive Spings on 10" darkside rear tires mounting them sideways with 3 times the recommended Dyna-Beads with 15* Rake kits. I have driven Remote Control Planes with this configuration for over 100 years with the only side effect being Obama's Presidency and Universal Gun Ownership by Illegal Immigrants.

Your thoughts and opinions welcomed but will be ignored and dismissed as Alien attempts to bring about a second Ice Age.
GUILTY AS CHARGED!! On both accounts. I've hijacked a few and had my point of view so discombobulated by others that even I didn't recognize it. The key is being reasonable I guess. I'm not as much of a social animal as some members so I tend to follow threads that pretty much exchange useful information. :xszpv: :xszpv:

If we loose control and go off on someone for hijacking then everyone suffers. If we devote our board energy to hunting out threads and stirring controversy - everyone suffers. :xzqxz:
Amazing how a 4-5 year old thread comes back to life when someone asks if the scoot is still for sale or did you ever get the horn fixed or find the lost key. oh well Happy happy. :D
Oh and I still can't add a sig photo.
Nietzsche says "Out of Chaos-comes Order".

He was a well-know Hijacker, Thread Hunter, and Stirrer Extraordinaire of Controversy.
Holy old thread Batman!! Nice, but can it still hold hot air?? Are all of the original posters still active here? Can reality be distorted beyond rescue??

Stay tuned for more questions than answers on the next episode...pepper
Zook, you obviously represent all of the best qualities of deputy Barney Fife (you do have a single bullet right?).

Jesse (Knott's given name) is from West Virginia, and I suppose you know that Don is a cousin of Ron Howard, who was also on the Andy Griffith show. I rode through Mount Airy last summer and didn't see your photo anywhere at all. Guess it only exists on your TT profile!

Love your work, brother. Thanks for keeping us on the sunny side of sanity and out of Satan's filthy swamp water.
Ignore him, you can walk on my lawn anytime. Mind you it's covered in about 3 feet of snow right now.
I think we need to start a pole, who mows the lawn, hubby or wife? And while we are at it, what do you use, push mower, self propelled, riding, or sheep to mow...

More appropriate for winter, shovel, plow, or snowblower (regardless of which household member gets stuck with the job)???
Speaking of poles,,,Wow!! It is warmer in the South Pole than some parts of this country. Anyone had a Tootsie Pop lately? I had a chocolate was good. I keep a badger in my backyard to keep the grass mowed.