too much grief

Motorcycle Mike

800+ Posts
Please add our youngest daughter Theresa and my family to your prayers. She had a massive stroke and passed away Saturday. Her son was murdered just about 3 years ago. Our next to youngest son died in China about a year ago. Some of you helped us get him home via a go fund me page our other daughter set up. Thank you for that.

Way too much grief too close together.
There are times when the stuff really piles up. All you can do is tough it out and get through it. Thoughts and prayers to you...
I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling.

My prayers are with you and your family.
Our prayers sent for you and yours Mike, so sorry to hear of the loss of another family member so soon.
Sorry for your loss Mike. Having lost my 24 year old son I know how hard this is to get through, I can't imagine doing it more than once. I guess the only thing you can do is take it one day at a time. I still miss him as much as I did 17 years ago, but now I have days where I don't think about him.