Trike Names

Does your trike have a name of its own?

  • My trike has its own name.

    Votes: 227 56.3%
  • I just use the brand or model name (i.e. Harley, Gold Wing).

    Votes: 77 19.1%
  • I use some other descriptive term (i.e. the trike).

    Votes: 99 24.6%

  • Total voters
When did you sleep? WOW Monkie

It's not as tuff as one would think. Started like 6 am out of Jacksonville, rode to Junction, Texas and slept for about 6 hours, out early and go to San Diego and slept about 6 hours, returned on the same routine. So it was really not too bad, you just get in a zone and hope that you have good weather the whole way!
The ultra is now known as "Boudica" (goggle that name). I will probably carry that name over to her next reincarnation with 3 wheels.

The first name my trike was given was NEVERDONE because the wife would ask when will it be done (always room to add something )and I replied never so I named it neverdone but when she runs good shes my darlin and when shes not shes that blankity blank blank blank :D
We call it Our Way WIP which means our way work in progress. Is one ever done? No so we are building another one. Have leg problems shifting so building our way wip2 which will have an autostick transmission. :yes::yes:
She was "Boudica" before she became a trike, so that name will stay. Infact it fits even better since the real Boudica rode a chariot. OOPS! Didn't realize this was 3 pages long & I'd already posted here. Sorry for the repeat.

We call it Our Way WIP which means our way work in progress. Is one ever done? No so we are building another one. Have leg problems shifting so building our way wip2 which will have an autostick transmission. :yes::yes:

Hey, TW--Philip Roth said, "The road to hell is paved with works in progress." LOL Just sayin'! ;):D
My ride is affectionately known as Mr Bumbles
Hubby was the one who named the trike. He rolls the bikes out of the garage while I gather our gear to go for a ride and he started asking -What are you riding, Big Red (trike) or Little Red (bike)? The names have stuck.
I keep trying to name his bike but he just isn't going for it :D.
Right now my personal ride is one of our first TriBurg 650's that I just call Burgie. And although I like it a lot, it isn't my personal preference. I do like to shift, always have (my cage is a 74 VW Thing). Hopefully later this year, we'll be building for me a Honda Pacific Coast trike (which will also be our prototype for our 4th generation shaft drive conversion for that class of bikes). Mated to the already "full bodied" look of the PC will be a set of 11" fiberglass fenders with full fender skirts molded from the tins off a 2003 Indian. I intend to use a fuller cut, but you can see those fenders & skirts as implemented on an 800cc Kawasaki we did last year. Click here to see: Trinity Trike

With some additional authentic Indian type accessories like the lighted indian head lamp for the front fender and tank graphics, I am shooting for what the Indian might have come to look like if it stuck around a few more decades.

Such a rig would have to have a proper name, so calling those things that are not as though they were, here it is ..... Dances With Trikes.


Bob Witte
The Trinity Trike
Hey, Puff--I LUVVVVV that yellow and black color combo!

Why thanx Juju, when I did the conversion, I looked around at other Valk
Bumble-bee trikes and they were predominantly black with yellow trim... I wanted
mine to be mainly yellow because it's 'in your face' and easily noticed on the road.
Need help naming my trike. I have a triked 1985 Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager that I thoroughly enjoy riding but she has been a difficult old girl, with electrical problems (now fixed), ongoing overheating & now one of her shockies has shat itself. The joys of owning an old machine huh?

I can't for the life of me find a name that sticks, other than "The *itch" or maybe "The Crone" :confused:

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