Trike Talk Rally ?

Is there any chance that we might be able to buy one of the shirts, even if we did not get to attend? That is one good-lookin' shirt!!

Arlene in Missouri
While we were in Dothan last week, we went to Ft. Rucker Army Aviation Museum. Here are some pictures we took while we were there. It was very interesting! If you want to DRIVE on the post and you are on your motorcycle or trike, you have to have on ALL your protective clothing, helmet, etc. They even asked if I had a certificate of a (motorcycle) safe driving course (which I did)!
Mikey and Wifey



Guys, I wanted to say again, I am really sorry I was occupied most of the day last Saturday with customers and didn't get to spend much time visiting with yall. I will better know how to prepare next time. Wifey tried to get me in front of her camera a few times and always got pulled to the side to wait on someone.. sorry Wifey!

TrikerJim thanks again for coming and thank you for your trailer purchase and that goes for you too Mikey. Id like to know how you guys are liking your Aluma trailers?
Zook, no apology were busy.....and that was good! The trailer is easy to handle and I hardly knew I was pulling one. I had to look in the rear view mirror to see if it was still there. LOL :D We put reflectors on the back and are waiting for the paperwork so we can apply for the tag. Finally, Wifey has enough room for her own pillow AND make-up. (Hope she doesn't see this post :eek:)



Zook, no apologies needed..busy is a GOOD thing !! I love the trailer. Check out my post to C&M Jordan about it. Had a few people checking it out on the way home. Next year, we'll all stand out by the road and hold up BIG SALE signs and watch you really run......:p