It is really gona happen in little more tha a week. I don't have a total tally but it is close to 30 and looks like 15 to as many as 18 trikes.
Yes, it is right around the corner. Just imported the route to the Windmill Diner into my GPS and coordinated that info with TrikerMary. So, if everything goes to plan we will meet others at the Windmill Diner in CT at about noon/noonthirty next Friday.

See ya'll soon.

Ride Safe and Enjoy!
We are anxious too. Will enter the Windmill Diner into our GPS as well. Looks like tomorrow will be a great day for a local ride. Jeannette and I will take a ride to make sure our trike is running right and my shoulder sound. See you next Friday.
Leo, Bill, Mary and anyone else coming to Danbury:

The diner looks nice, can't wait to meet all of you. This will be my wife's (Pam) first over night trip on the trike. She's real excited. See everyone next Fri.

We are trying to decide which route we are taking. We would like to wind up at the Windmill Diner to meet everyone but it looks like that route may add an hour to our trip. I think I will push for the Danbury route so we can stop and see everyone then travel up together. Should be lots of fun.
Have to enter Connecticut someplace so I would think that you coming in through that area and Danbury is only down the corner of Connecticut so that probably would be a logical way to go don't forget when you're writing a trike or motorcycle most of it is the journey not the destination
Hey everybody going for breakfast, take pictures, just like Nana's trip so everybody will enjoy the Windmill Diner with you. I am going to try and bring my computer to the rally because we have free WiFi at the Super 8, so I may see what I missed coming from NH. :(
See you there!


From NH
I am Bringing my IPad . Only thing I can't post pictures with the iPad. Everyone bring a camera. We need pictures of the trikes in groups at the Windmill Dinner, at the motel ,at dinner, in New Port, at breakfast. So we need a lot of people takin pics. We can email pictures to those who can post. Counting on everyone pitching in to do a good follow up of this event. ;)
I am posting this in several places so u will all know and not get shook up if we are not there in time. Honey and I will be late for dinner on Fri night Her dyalisis is still not working so we can not do it in Sturbridge. She will do a late clinic dyalisis on Fri around 3 pm we will leave here about 6 pm be there in the 8:30 area. Sorry that is the best I can do. Unless there is an earlier opening at the clinic we can hope. Shirts look great.
John, Sorry to hear about Honey. We will be happy to see you whenever you arrive.

As for our status, I'm back on the road. Jeannette and I rode 87 miles today, after my physical therapy. Get minor cramping at times between my shoulders. Seemed to get better the more I drove. Looks like we are all set for the New England trike rally next weekend. Made sure I have no therapy scheduled within a day of the ride. Have four more days of therapy, but I am over the hump. It's time to ride... :Trike1:ThumbUp
Sorry to hear that John, but like Leo said dont matter when you get there, we will be there. Leo great news, I have 2" pullback bars coming to aid "in that between the shoulder cramp" thing. bars should be here next Wednesday, question is should I put them on or wait till I get back from Sturbridge, hhmmm. Guess time will tell!

See ya'll soon!

Ride Safe and Enjoy!
I know the date is still 7 days off . I know the weather people ( just as many women and men) are only 30% correct , but they show 20% chance for rain 24 25 26 And temp in the low 80s. Keeping an eye on it.
I just checked my little app here for weather and it says it's going to look pretty good for the weekend next weekend partly cloudy 20% chance of rain 85° sounds perfect let's cross our fingers
Now you did it. Made me look at forecast. Looks good for Fri & Sat. Not so good for Sat night and Sun. It's probably my fault. I told the wife we would be going to get me new rain gear this weekend.
Here's hoping they are wrong like usual.
Or hoping whatever system slows enough to wait for Monday.
Are you looking a the Mass forecast ? Hey they can change their mind 5 times between now and then. That is Y they are 30% right....:AGGHH: