Video - 2019 Tri Glide - Kevin Reviews His Mods

Hey Kevin,

At about the 11 minute mark you mentioned removing the left thigh protector. I was looking at my intake and it seems to block a lot of the wind from the right side thigh protector. Does it matter which side is removed? The left side on mine hides the backrest adjustment lever.


Hey Kevin,

At about the 11 minute mark you mentioned removing the left thigh protector. I was looking at my intake and it seems to block a lot of the wind from the right side thigh protector. Does it matter which side is removed? The left side on mine hides the backrest adjustment lever.



Hey Kurt,

The reason I remove the left side is because the right side is hotter. So leaving that in place protects the passenger from some radiant heat, it also scoops the air and moves it across and out the left side, giving the rear cylinder better air flow. (there's not near as much radiant heat on the left side)

You don't ride with a passenger, so you could leave the left side to scoop on and remove the right side for better air flow around the rear cylinder.
