Visiting the Sunshine State (North Ft Myers, Fl)

I came down to visit my sister here in north Ft Myers for a few weeks, left Maryland a week ago before the snow....I have seen so many beautiful trikes going by ,how lucky they are to be able to ride all year! Sure wish I had my trike down here.......
My wife and I just got back from Daytona Beach Florida, 13 days there, nice weather even when it was raining, got to ride our trike quite a bit, lot of motorcycles and trikes in the area, really hated to come back to the cold weather of southern Ohio.
I came down to visit my sister here in north Ft Myers for a few weeks, left Maryland a week ago before the snow....I have seen so many beautiful trikes going by ,how lucky they are to be able to ride all year! Sure wish I had my trike down here.......

Hey Mary, if you see a bright red one with a short round guy on it go by, be sure to wave. Would be great to cross paths.
I came down to visit my sister here in north Ft Myers for a few weeks, left Maryland a week ago before the snow....I have seen so many beautiful trikes going by ,how lucky they are to be able to ride all year! Sure wish I had my trike down here.......

Mary, if you are in the area this weekend you are more than welcome to join us on a RTE (ride to eat) in Clermont even if you are in a cage. There will probably be over 60 attending and you'll get to see many bikes and trikes.
