Waiting, waiting, waiting...................

How cool a 1800 i love them. What kit are you using? I really hate the thought they didnt use the 1800 on the fury. What were they thinking?
And I can see that you made sure all the parts were there. Looks like it's going to be awsome.
Joe, how much of the build are you doing yourself. The pics look like you are uncrating the new parts in a shop. Fun if you can be part of it too!!!!!
Glad to see a real working garage ( as neat as mine ) brother in law has painted floors and polished tools hanging on hooks and every tool in the tool box is in a holder . but then he has other people work on his car so he don't use them <LOL> Looks like it will be a great looking and handling machine .
I agree with John, garages are for workin' in, not for showin' off. I'd much rather show off what comes out of mine!

Build looks great! Lookin' forward to the final product (I know you are too!).
Joe, how much of the build are you doing yourself. The pics look like you are uncrating the new parts in a shop. Fun if you can be part of it too!!!!!
Yep, we are uncrating the parts from Road Smith.
Doing it all myself Nana. With help from my riding Brothers in the pictures. I did all of the disassembly and it was a blast.
I agree guys, garages are made for working................not looking good. :yes: