Walk the Line


Trike Talk Executive Chef
Gold Member
Remember this line you walked. At least that's the way it was back 64........

Don't move!

There were some rumors of Guys flinching and ripping their arms..... I never have seen that, But then again after i got the shots i never hung around to verify it....

The teargas tank was worst what with the punch in the stomach to make you breed some in before you could get your gas mask on......And the Chlorine tank was down right dangerous but they made sure you had the mask on first and just cracked it a little to get a whiff,:skull: They didn't want to kill you before Charlie had his chance.....:D...
i flinched one arm and had a 1/4 in cut no biggy they just put a bandaid on it.
Boot camp, Orlando, FL 1976 They were using the air gun injections their too.

I was properly the one the Corpsman giving you the shots. As a first Class I was in charge of immunizations. Just got back from Nam, I was made to stand down while waiting to attend a C school. We use to keep count of how many shots each of us gave. But once you hit over 3000, it became monotonous.
