We were robbed at gun-point...

Every time we travel, by car or trike or truck, whether it's just us two or more, I tell wife code words for "we need to go …. NOW". I'm always armed, sometimes 2X. If I utter those words we agree to, she knows what to do. If we go missing, there'll be some evidence.

I've been to Mexico in the early years of my life, but there's still a lot of USA to see the first time and a lot I'd like to see again. Canada doesn't inspire me to travel. Other places, there is no bridge to anyway. I think I'll just stay here.

My last year in the military I was stationed down at WSMR (White Sands Missile Range). I would cross into Juarez on a weekly basis. It hasn't been that many years ago that we visited Nogales and Tijuana.

Those days are long gone. I might take a cruise every few years but other than that I don't go where I can't carry.

Our oldest son works for Cat and has to visit three different locations in Mexico every once and awhile. Cat won't allow him drive in Mexico or go without security.

Kevin, you and Mary are very lucky and I am thankful you are unharmed. Please reevaluate any future trips south of our border.
Mexico definitely has a serious uncontrollable problem that's really gonna bite them in the a**, but then so does Chicago. Sad freaking politics, but we keep voting them in, including the Mexicans. Lots of Kool Ade drinking out there.
Man, this thread with all the links is getting depressing!

It is certainly a sad state of affairs, both in many areas in the USA (but at least we can carry there) and outside the USA.

Mary and I know how fortunate we were to have only been robbed, and nothing more...we knew it that afternoon, and we know it even better now.

Below is a follow up video, where we dissect what actually happened a bit, and why it happened.

We have no plans to leave the USA this year or next. After that, we'll see what happens. BUT, I do not see us returning to Baja on our Trike or bike.

After this video is one more....one about what a hassle it was getting back into the USA. It was quite surprising that we did not see a single US Citizen working at the US Consulate in Mexico. NOR did we feel welcomed or helped, as US Citizens, at our own Consulate.

Kevin, I know you gotta be totally frustrated with this whole stinking business and who could be otherwise? The government of Mexico has lost all control of their country to traffickers, murderers and thieves, this will bite them in th a**, a country with an already failing economy. You and Mary were extremely fortunate to come out of that place with your very lives, but to have this happen in what was to be an enjoyable outing, well it just sucks. We live in a dangerous world, no question, and I think we all have a clue as to why, but I sure won't go into that, as you say, "depressing". Politics is going nuts, can you say "socialism"?
Ding ding ding ...

Give the man a Cupie Doll (Whatever that is). I think your analysis is pretty much spot on, with a couple of additions ... my opinion only, no facts to back them up ... and I wasn't there.

1) I think the results would of been similar with your blue 14 or a vivid black Tri ... trike being unique is a bigger flag. Actually, I'm shocked they didn't take the trike as well. Guess the demand for Tri parts is not that great in Mexico, since they would have had to strip it for parts, like you said, you haven't seen one there.

2) I think being an American made you more of a target. We get lots of Canadian and other nationality visitors here around Sturgis time mainly because after or before the rally they do the "Wide Open Spaces Rides" around here. Those plate stick out like a sore thumb. I was actually shocked how many people ship their ride here rather than rent. I googled "Mexican Motorcycle Plates" and they are very different than what we are used to.

3) No offense here, even with the riding gear, you sport a white long beard. Older people seem to be targeted more ... I suppose they are perceived as less of a threat. Also there are the old stereotypes that would point to drugs ... the long hair and beard (not judging ... personally ... I like the look on you :D) ... the guard at the boarder looked at you a little harder until he realized your were vaping. If I remember, he even asked about weed :Shrug:, or maybe I heard it wrong.

4) Mary was with you ... again ... no offense. A man with a women is less likely to "defend himself" with his wife/friend with him, unless he is sure she won't be harmed or she is in imminent danger. Disclaimer, I'd be less likely to target an American couple after learning what I know now. Or a single women, frankly they scare me ... :AGGHH:. Every day I learn more and more of people I've known for years are both carrying concealed and are very capable of defending themselves. That's not an issue in Mexico from what I understand, foreigners can't legally carry there.

Again, I believe your assessment is spot on. If you were on an rented Ultra with Mexican plates, alone, with your beard tucked up under your jacket in that same place would the same thing happen ... Probably ... probably even if you were in a rented truck with Mexican plates. MHO.

Situational Awareness is the key ... as you stated ... I suspect with all your travel, you may of let your guard a little down and paid the price. You have to keep sharp eye out all the time. Pretty sure you will ... LOL ... you're a sharp guy.

We had a saying in the Navy, "Common Sense is always authorized.".

Moral of the story ... keep your wits about you, this kind of thing can happen on your own block in your own town. Sometimes I go to my favorite local dinner and the local "MC Club" (not gonna mention names, but they are alleged to be outlaws) is there as evidence by their bikes in the parking lot, I take a pass and go somewhere else. Have they been involved in anything in town? Not that I've heard of. One of them even used to go to my Bible study. Nice guy, but, he would tell you that you never know when a rival will show up and "stuff" will go down. Why put yourself in that situation if you don't have to. I doubt the MC Club will have issue with this fat old man on a trike being there ... LOL.
Kevin, I know you gotta be totally frustrated with this whole stinking business and who could be otherwise? The government of Mexico has lost all control of their country to traffickers, murderers and thieves, this will bite them in th a**, a country with an already failing economy. You and Mary were extremely fortunate to come out of that place with your very lives, but to have this happen in what was to be an enjoyable outing, well it just sucks. We live in a dangerous world, no question, and I think we all have a clue as to why, but I sure won't go into that, as you say, "depressing". Politics is going nuts, can you say "socialism"?

While thankful beyond words that it was not worse...YES, very frustrated with-

The hassle we're going thru on ID and insurance

That traveling to scenic spots is hampered by folks that want to take what is not theirs.

Alan, putting my notes below regarding your comments.

Give the man a Cupie Doll (Whatever that is). I think your analysis is pretty much spot on, with a couple of additions ... my opinion only, no facts to back them up ... and I wasn't there.

1) I think the results would of been similar with your blue 14 or a vivid black Tri ... trike being unique is a bigger flag. Actually, I'm shocked they didn't take the trike as well. Guess the demand for Tri parts is not that great in Mexico, since they would have had to strip it for parts, like you said, you haven't seen one there.

Yeah, probably any color...don't think they took it because they had to go thru a Military Checkpoint after robbing us. Don't believe they would have been able to without getting caught.

2) I think being an American made you more of a target. We get lots of Canadian and other nationality visitors here around Sturgis time mainly because after or before the rally they do the "Wide Open Spaces Rides" around here. Those plate stick out like a sore thumb. I was actually shocked how many people ship their ride here rather than rent. I googled "Mexican Motorcycle Plates" and they are very different than what we are used to.

Yeah, agreed.

3) No offense here, even with the riding gear, you sport a white long beard. Older people seem to be targeted more ... I suppose they are perceived as less of a threat. Also there are the old stereotypes that would point to drugs ... the long hair and beard (not judging ... personally ... I like the look on you :D) ... the guard at the boarder looked at you a little harder until he realized your were vaping. If I remember, he even asked about weed :Shrug:, or maybe I heard it wrong.

My beard is usually tucked in, but long hair is not. Yep, guard did ask if vape was weed. Just realized, when I got off the bike, my beard was definitely out, before they rolled up on us.

4) Mary was with you ... again ... no offense. A man with a women is less likely to "defend himself" with his wife/friend with him, unless he is sure she won't be harmed or she is in imminent danger. Disclaimer, I'd be less likely to target an American couple after learning what I know now. Or a single women, frankly they scare me ... :AGGHH:. Every day I learn more and more of people I've known for years are both carrying concealed and are very capable of defending themselves. That's not an issue in Mexico from what I understand, foreigners can't legally carry there.

Yep, we have no right to carry in Mexico..it is a go to jail, do not pass go offense.

You are correct, my primary concern during the robbery was Mary's safety. I kept an eye on the gun the entire time, making sure it was never aimed at her.

Again, I believe your assessment is spot on. If you were on an rented Ultra with Mexican plates, alone, with your beard tucked up under your jacket in that same place would the same thing happen ... Probably ... probably even if you were in a rented truck with Mexican plates. MHO.

Situational Awareness is the key ... as you stated ... I suspect with all your travel, you may of let your guard a little down and paid the price. You have to keep sharp eye out all the time. Pretty sure you will ... LOL ... you're a sharp guy.

Yep, definitely had gotten lax over the years. Pretty sure this cured that! I am even more careful/aware when I leave the shop now than I used to be.

In another life I was a Federal Firearms Instructor (guess I still am, don't think there is an expiration on that certification) AND owned/operated a gun shop. My guard was never down in those days.

We had a saying in the Navy, "Common Sense is always authorized.".

Moral of the story ... keep your wits about you, this kind of thing can happen on your own block in your own town. Sometimes I go to my favorite local dinner and the local "MC Club" (not gonna mention names, but they are alleged to be outlaws) is there as evidence by their bikes in the parking lot, I take a pass and go somewhere else. Have they been involved in anything in town? Not that I've heard of. One of them even used to go to my Bible study. Nice guy, but, he would tell you that you never know when a rival will show up and "stuff" will go down. Why put yourself in that situation if you don't have to. I doubt the MC Club will have issue with this fat old man on a trike being there ... LOL.

Yep, thank you. Definitely lessons learned, and hopefully never forgotten.

Concealed travel pouches are a good way to go at times.

I like the kind that are slim and fit around the waist not the ones with the neck string.... I place the pouch on the back side, nestled in the small of the back so as to not look obtrusive under the shirt...well, unless you are wearing a knit shirt...then the shirt would cling and outline the pouch.

You can carry a copy of the driver license and credit card in the concealed pouch so that you have instant access to what they look like in case the real thing gets stolen. A thief only wants the real thing and he knows to grab the wallet or purse....as Kevin and Mary did... let him have it. That way, the thief is happy and you have instant access to card numbers, their cancellation phone numbers, and proof of ID as soon as the robbery is over. Plus keep the "big" cash in the pouch. If you need to get to the big cash just go into a rest room and get to the pouch so that no one sees you have a hidden stash.
Concealed travel pouches are a good way to go at times.

I like the kind that are slim and fit around the waist not the ones with the neck string.... I place the pouch on the back side, nestled in the small of the back so as to not look obtrusive under the shirt...well, unless you are wearing a knit shirt...then the shirt would cling and outline the pouch.

You can carry a copy of the driver license and credit card in the concealed pouch so that you have instant access to what they look like in case the real thing gets stolen. A thief only wants the real thing and he knows to grab the wallet or purse....as Kevin and Mary did... let him have it. That way, the thief is happy and you have instant access to card numbers, their cancellation phone numbers, and proof of ID as soon as the robbery is over. Plus keep the "big" cash in the pouch. If you need to get to the big cash just go into a rest room and get to the pouch so that no one sees you have a hidden stash.

Ah Ha ... now we known were you carry it :D ... I tried to figure it out ... still had no clue ... you hide it well ... unlike the ranchers around here that roam into the grocery stores with 6 shooters on each hip ... :AGGHH:
Thank goodness your ordeal did not end like this missing New Hampshire couple who were camping in Corpus Christi Texas..


Thankfully the couple that allegedly did the deed are now in custody in Mexico.

They should be back in the US fairly soon, as Mexico doesn't want wanted US citizens running amok in their country.

Hopefully the murders can be pinned on them and they pay the ultimate price for their stupidity...:mad:
Ah Ha ... now we known were you carry it :D ... I tried to figure it out ... still had no clue ... you hide it well ... unlike the ranchers around here that roam into the grocery stores with 6 shooters on each hip ... :AGGHH:

WRONG!!! There’s no way I could reach around to the small of my back and successfully bring it into position. I’m sure I would drop it or fumble with it enough as to be dangerous to me and everyone else.. that carry position is only for the movies. Its only extra money and other ID I carry in the back pouch. Keep guessing...
WRONG!!! There’s no way I could reach around to the small of my back and successfully bring it into position. I’m sure I would drop it or fumble with it enough as to be dangerous to me and everyone else.. that carry position is only for the movies. Its only extra money and other ID I carry in the back pouch. Keep guessing...

I give up ... anymore guesses could get me in trouble ... :AGGHH:
Kevin, good informative second video. I was interested in additional details and "what, when, where, and the why" of it all.

Since it seems these thugs have done the same thing to others in about the same spot you would think it would be very simple for the authorities to make arrests with minimal effort. In reality though these idiots have probably either paid off the local police or they are the local police. Who knows, it is Mexico.

While it is true that you can have this happen in the U.S. also, there is probably a much better chance of it happening south of our border.

Over my 34 year career I had to deal with numerous family members who lost loved ones due to violence. It was always the same reaction "how could this happen to us", "I can't believe this has happened", "why would someone do this". There are no answers to these questions.

I have always known that my family and I could be the "victims" at any given time or at any given place. I don't make all my travel plans around this fact, but I keep it in mind and certainly do not ignore it.

Okay, I'm climbing down off my soap box now. Stay safe.
Kevin, good informative second video. I was interested in additional details and "what, when, where, and the why" of it all.

Since it seems these thugs have done the same thing to others in about the same spot you would think it would be very simple for the authorities to make arrests with minimal effort. In reality though these idiots have probably either paid off the local police or they are the local police. Who knows, it is Mexico.

While it is true that you can have this happen in the U.S. also, there is probably a much better chance of it happening south of our border.

Over my 34 year career I had to deal with numerous family members who lost loved ones due to violence. It was always the same reaction "how could this happen to us", "I can't believe this has happened", "why would someone do this". There are no answers to these questions.

I have always known that my family and I could be the "victims" at any given time or at any given place. I don't make all my travel plans around this fact, but I keep it in mind and certainly do not ignore it.

Okay, I'm climbing down off my soap box now. Stay safe.

Man, glad you got on your soap box. Good info.

In my life I've only had a handful of times when I've said to myself "I can't believe this happened". Once was a bad accident about 8 years ago, and another was this robbery.

Taking the time to look carefully, and change future behavior, while not a guarantee of no repeat, is definitely a step to improving my odds.

Appreciate it!

I think they are watching who goes into that stop. They know it's isolated and tourist stop there.

They probably have radios to signal each other. This is a business for them.

Yes, the one guy appeared to be a LEO, or former LEO. Just the way he handled/carried himself.

They definitely had done this before, they knew what to do, and what not to do. No fumbling around or wasted time.

I just looked at recent crime statistics for Mexico and 98% of violent crime goes unsolved.

I have never had a desire to visit there as there is just to much in the continental US I want to see.
I just looked at recent crime statistics for Mexico and 98% of violent crime goes unsolved.

I have never had a desire to visit there as there is just to much in the continental US I want to see.

That's depressing, but not really surprising.

Eggzactly, see the USA in your Chevrolet, as you will never see it all 🇺🇸

Yep, Mary and I will be staying in the USA for this next year or so. Lot's to see.

Hello Kevin

one of these days we will have to compare notes on Mexico, Darlene and I have traveled in Mexico for over 25 years. but we go down the east side down the guff. to the state of Veracruz. ( this is Jr. & Darlene we meet at eureka springs )
one of these days we will have to compare notes on Mexico, Darlene and I have traveled in Mexico for over 25 years. but we go down the east side down the guff. to the state of Veracruz. ( this is Jr. & Darlene we meet at eureka springs )

That would be fun. Never been down that way. I lived in Peru, in the Amazon basin, for a couple of years, and then traveled/worked all around Brazil for one year. But have only been to the top, western side of Baja California.
