Weird noise in clutch

i did that it will take another week to get it from amazon hence the stupid wait. hoping i can get to the store marrow, if i cant ill order it and wait some more.:gah:eek:h hell i guess so ill just wait. at least ill actually get it.

ok i did it. im getting oil i paid for on my birthday. the 25th i'll be 60

update after fitting the new parts together i believe the problem is the seal in the cover it seems to tighten things up.
i did that it will take another week to get it from amazon hence the stupid wait. hoping i can get to the store marrow, if i cant ill order it and wait some more.:gah:eek:h hell i guess so ill just wait. at least ill actually get it.

ok i did it. im getting oil i paid for on my birthday.

Happy Birthday:clapping:
got the clutch installed and i believe functional. it would seem it was the case seal and the lifter and the rod. all changed now. all together. the radiator tank and exhaust next.


update; i installed the radiator tank today after gluing the connector in. then i ran the hoses, put the gas tank in, connected it and hung the exhaust from the back bolt. next on the list run and connect the o2 sensors wires. bolt up the header. by then i should have my oil. then its test start.

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UPDATE; the oil was supposed to be here today, the truck never left the dock. no delivery till monday. also no more help till monday.
dont even have to ride my trike to play everyone's favorite game today. WILL I DIE TODAY?

todays forecast is 110 with %50+ humidity. all you got to do is go outside. almost dont have to do that its hard to breath inside. cant wait to go to the store and wear a soaked mask. talk about a disease spreader.:gah:
i got my oil and put it in. the exhaust is connected. the o2 wires are connected. the gas tank is in and has gas. only thing left to start her up is the battery. hope to do that tonight or in the morning. it real hot, windy, Smokey and humid out there. hard to work even an hour at a time or less.

UPDATE; I did it installed the battery. the fuel pump primed right up, the F1 light went right off. i pushed the starter once, JOY came right to life first hit. i brought her to temp let her purr a minute she smoothed right out. time to button up all the little stuff dont see an obvious oil leak.

next day update; i checked under the engine this morning not one drop of oil on the ground. i reached under and felt the clutch cover no oil on it.

friday; got crash bars on finished loose bolts and brackets. working on top cover now.
i finished the top cover and lower front cowls today. that means the goldwing part of JOYS assembly is finished. my neighbor was finishing sanding the fenders for paint. he also bondo'ed the needed spots. he was determined to get them rattle canned. the fenders are ready for paint. then another neighbor came by and said no way should these be rattle canned. he has friends who can get the needed paint. so im waiting for paint again. otherwise im just waiting on fenders. oh yeah i got my windshield polished clear again. i also finished buttoning up the battery including my new battery tender wires.
to start joy is finished except rear brake bleeding all the air floated to the top of the lines. connect the sway bar. currently the fenders have my full attention. i figured out why the tail lights wont go in. as you can see in the pic there is a corner inside where the back of the tail housing meets the side of the fender. up underneath there is globs of i believe bondo big globs of smutz in the corner. i removed some of this smutz and the lights fit in better. i need to turn the fenders over to get the smutz on the top. expect to finish this job quick. going to do the brakes and sway bar Saturday. still waiting on paint. if every thing else gets done and no paint yet i will mount fenders the way they are and ride.

JOY is now 100% mechanically functional, she has brakes and the sway bar is connected. i could put wheels on her and ride her. i got 1 tail light finished the other one needs some tweaking 10- 15 minutes and it will be in. I'm going to spray the fenders one gray primer color and put them on a.s.a.p. there is a catch. i know the building of these was farmed out as DFT no longer has its own shop. the person who made these did a bad job. the tail lights did not go in need lots of mod. the hole in the inside to the bike so you can connect the wires to the bike is way to big. the factory grommet just pulls though. i dont normally ride in the rain so it is a hole can be fixed at painting. but a new hole the right size will have to be drilled. i think i might even change where it comes out. to get the wires tucked in better. if i had made these i would have left some of the carpet in the trunk unglued so the tail light wires could be tucked up out of the way.

update next day; the tail lights go in, the fenders are 1 gray color. considering wet sanding them. decided to use the existing wire hole and glue. i could put them on marrow Monday. thinking about rattle canning them pink, my neighbor who can paint has marrow available?
another week shot to hell. i got so much done this weekend i'm so close i should be done. but the day i am supposed to paint it's 85 deg outside to start the day. by the time we would have started painting 90 deg. so no painting today cant even glue in the tail light wires and mount. my painter not available again till friday, so another week shot to hell. plus there is fire smoke again and wind. :gah::gah::gah: no use in mounting now if we are going to paint just to much work to take them on and off and on again. no helpers available today anyway for mounting might as well wait.
You are one determined lady :clapping:

Kudos to ya .

thank you sir and everyone, i originally in 2005 built this trike, i wrecked it, in 2014 and survived when i should not have. i rebuilt it during my recovery with a cast on my hand and a still today broken back. i installed the eurowing frontend with bad instructions and help from a builder, using helpers with little or no mechanical knowledge. i had to teach them how to help me, i'm still doing that. i bought and built this trike because it can always be repaired. i will never not fix her as long as i'm able.

JOY is all i have. she deserves to be repaired to the best i'm able. currently i have a friend who will do the paint, i'm not able to do. so i wait. if at some point painting is not an option i will mount them as they are until other arrangements can be made.

ever since i was little and fell my first time and got back on and rode harder i have been determined to never give up or quit. since my injuries have added limits i have learn to slow down and do as i can. but i will not stop. for those counting i parked her last year in june to fix the clutch and rear bearing. i already had the new fenders. that's 15 months now.

now i'm making progress, the fenders are pink and clear coated. yes they are rattle canned but they came out great. hes says i should buff them, not sure i can do that, not one of my skills. hes going to put a ceramic coating on them monday.:clapping::clapping: now i have to do the trunk door. it will follow the 2 color motif and be the lighter pink color. should have the fenders on next week, just need 2 people helpers at same time. got plenty to do this weekend now.

now i'm making progress, the fenders are pink and clear coated. yes they are rattle canned but they came out great. hes says i should buff them, not sure i can do that, not one of my skills. hes going to put a ceramic coating on them monday.:clapping::clapping: now i have to do the trunk door. it will follow the 2 color motif and be the lighter pink color. should have the fenders on next week, just need 2 people helpers at same time. got plenty to do this weekend now.

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That looks pretty good for rattle can paint. I am getting excited:clapping: for you and your first ride
I'm pleased to see you doing an excellent job, people can do good work with rattle cans. Your trike will look great when completed. :clapping: I needed to click the like, but got the Thanks instead its all good.
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Getting closer

Just about got her done!

Keep up the good work.

Interesting to see when you paint the door a different shade of Pink. Can't imagine it but might look great.
just like this a 2 color motif, to break up the solid pink color. one of these days i just have to do the trunk and mirrors. if anyone has side covers to donate both side i broke the tabs off the ones i have. the original fenders were not mounted proper. these new ones will be would like if she was proper dressed. if i had side covers they would be light pink.

slow progress

i got one side of the door done, with what i have. nice double coat of light pink, no clear im out. this paint really does not need it, none of the plastic is cleared. the fenders needed the extra protection. i'm going to let the door dry before doing the other side. it has to be laid down so to not scare the paint i'm letting it dry over night. i'll do the other side in the morning.

more to come on the fenders later. the fenders are done ready to install. after the tail light wires get here.
